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Aqua Publisher
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EmtoSci Publisher
CropSci Publisher
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AnimalSci Publisher
EcoEvo Publisher
MedSci Publisher
BioSci Publisher
Journals launched: 0
Papers published: 0


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EmtoSci Publisher is an international open access publishing platform that publishes scientific journals in the field of molecular entomology and mosquito research, created and operated by Sophia Publishing Group (SPG). As a global leading online publishing service provider, SPG brings the freedom of publishing to your own hands to facilitate your research achievements sharing with readers via internet around the world.
All journals published in EmtoSci Publisher were assigned an ISSN by ISSN Canada and the contents of the journals were mandatory deposited at Library and Archives Canada. All articles published in the journals at EmtoSci Publisher were permanently deposited in independent third-party digital repositories.
EmtoSci Publisher is an online open access publishing platform, following the Creative Commons Attribution License. Therefore, all publications and articles published in EmtoSci Publisher are permitted unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.