IJMS-2015v5n20 - page 13

International Journal of Marine Science 2015, Vol.5, No.20, 1-16
engineer, and boat crew involved with towing
weights, pulling buoys and towing nets. In addition,
crew members who carried the fish from the fishing
boat to the fish auction markets and those who are
charged with draining fish tanks were included as
fishermen on board. Actual fishermen in Jembrana
are divided into 3 types: full-time fishermen,
part-time fishermen (major) and part-time fishermen
(minor) (Figure 8). In addition, there is a steward or
organizer who is responsible for preparing all needed
fishing gear and the periodic maintenance of the
purse seine nets and boats (Figure 9).
Figure 8 The number of three fishermen’s types (crew) at Pengambengan
Figure 9 The organizational structure of fishermen in a purse
seine fishery
The purse seine fishery structure is largely influenced
by the profit-sharing system. Based on the results of
interviews with ship owners and managers,
operational expenses are deducted from the income
realized from the catch of fish (production) and the
remainder is then divided into 2 equal portions. The
first portion is given to the owner of the boat, and the
remaining portion is given to the crew including the
captain. The fish catch is divided among all crew
members. The amount of dividend is calculated using
a share point system based on their job level or
position. For example, the fishing master receives
three share points, the storage tank drainers receive
one share point, the boat driver receives two share
points, the engineer receives two share points, the
person who tows tin (ballast) receives two share
points, and the person who tows buoys and the rest of
the regular boat crew each receive one share point.
Each crew member receives fish (approximately 25 kg)
to be brought home for family meals in addition to the
dividend from the profits or catch. The fishermen do
not usually bring home all the fish, and there are those
individuals who sell the fish to the traders or collectors.
The apportionment described above automatically
determines the income for each crew member. The
harvest season (peak season) and low season (off
season) also affects the amount of income of the
fishermen (Table 4).
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