International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.24, 229-246
Figure 21 showing Amyloodinium ocellatum trophonts
(Arrowheads) causing severe hyperplasia in the gill epithelia
and fusion of the secondary gill lamella (Arrow) H&E X100
Figure 22 High power of the previous figure showing
Amyloodinium ocellatum trophont (Arrowheads) with the
severe hyperplasia and fusion of the secondary gill lamella
(Arrows) H&E X400
Figure 23 showing Amyloodinium ocellatum trophont
(Arrowheads) attached to the skin causing moderate
hyperplasia and desquamation of the covering epithelium
(Arrows) H&E X400
Figure 24 Showing Amyloodinium ocellatum trophont
(Arrowheads) and its attachment site to the destructed
secondary gill lamella (Arrow) H&E X400
Figure 25 Showing Amyloodinium ocellatum trophont
(Arrowhead) surrounded with tissue debri underneath a scale;
Inset: high power of the A. ocellatumtrophont H&E X100,
(inset, X1000)
Figure 26 Showing Amyloodinium ocellatum trophont
(Arrowheads) attached to the skin causing hyperplasia and
desquamation of the covering epithelium (Arrows) H&E