International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.24, 229-246
Figure 14 Pearson Correlation between gill parasitic count and water temperature
Figure 14 revealed that the optimum water temperature of
ranged between (20
C and 25
C) but the
peak of infestation was recorded at water temperature (20
C). There was an inverse relationship that mean that
every the water temperature increase parasitic count decrease.
Figure 15 Pearson Correlation between gill parasitic count and water Oxygen Level
Figure 15 revealed that Pearson Correlation take a straight line meaning that there was no effect and no correlation
between parasitic infestation and water Oxygen Level.
Figure 16 Pearson Correlation between gill parasitic count and water PH
Figure 16 revealed that the optimum pH of parasitic infestation ranged between (8 and 8.5) but the peak of
infestation was recorded at pH 8.2. The shape of the line revealed that there was an inverse relationship that mean
that every the water pH increase the parasitic count decrease.