International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.31, 297-307
Some specific studies on the crude extract of marine algae as an antibacterial against
Staphylococus aureus
been conducted. The study specifically found that the species of macroalgae
sp, and
Osmundea hybrida
effectively inhibit the growth of bacteria
Staphylococus aureus
with a diameter of approximately 14 mm. Until now there has been lacking research that
exploring protein compound of seaweed as a raw material for medicine on human and animal diseases. The use of
proteins as raw material medicine has many advantages such as: protein compounds can be accepted by the body
and cause fewer side effects, besides that the compounds can be cloned its gen to be produced on a large scale on
an industrial scale through genetic engineering techniques.
Teluk Lampung waters have abundant seaweed, both natural seaweed and seaweed that cultivated by farmers.
Ecologically, Teluk Lampung waters have characteristics suitable for seaweed habitat. This can be seen from
many seaweed discovered around these waters. In addition, Lampung Bay waters characterized as relatively
sheltered from the waves and the wind directly. In It is related with its location that rather inside to the land and
has a sloping waters. These conditions are ideal for development of seaweed.
This study was conducted to explore the potential and diversity of seaweed in Teluk Lampung and surrounding
waters, which until now has been used for a wide range of utilization by humans. Seaweeds found to be grouped
based on zoning in accordance with its utilization for further examination for their bioactive compounds (contents)
in relation to its ability to inhibit the growth of bacteria (antibacterial), anticancer and antifungal.
1 Research Methods
1.1 Preparation of sample
The sample of seaweed
Halimeda gracillis
is taken Teluk Lampung. The sample was then dried and pulverized to
form a dry powder.
1.2 Extraction of seaweed
The dry powder of seaweed
Halimeda gracillis
of 2 kg each macerated using a solvent of n-hexane 8 L then the
residue is dried and maceration followed by ethyl acetate and methanol solvent. Maceration is done with three
repetitions. The filtrate obtained was concentrated using a
rotary evaporator
. Then each extract be TLC to
determine which extracts potentially contain secondary metabolites. Selected extracts is then proceed to the
separation and purification.
1.3 Separation and purification
1.3.1 Separation and purification of n-hexane
extract of 5 g separated by gravity column chromatography using silica gel G stationary
phase 60 F254 (230-400 mesh) and motion phase of n-hexane, n-hexane: ethyl acetate (9:1 - 6:4), and ending with
methanol. The eluate collected with vial bottle and analyzed by TLC. Fractions which provide the same stain
pattern merged into one, thereby it obtained 7 fractions namely F1 – F7. In Fraction F6 there were crystal after
analyzed with KLT, the stain pattern shows a little dirt that then washed with n-hexane.
1.3.2 Separation and purification of
ethyl acetate extract
ethyl acetate extract 2.5 g were separated by gravity column chromatography using silica gel G
stationary phase 60 F254 (230-400 mesh) and eluted n-hexane, n-hexane: ethyl acetate (9:1-1:9), ethyl acetate and
ending with methanol. The eluate collected with vial bottle and analyzed by TLC. Fractions which provide the
same stain pattern merged into one, thereby it obtained 6 Fractions namely F1 - F6. In Fraction F1 there is a
potential compound, so it continued its separation and purification.
F1 fraction separated back by gravity column chromatography silica gel G 60 (70-230 mesh) using the eluent
n-hexane and n-hexane: ethyl acetate (9:1). The eluates are contained in vials and the vial on TLC. TLC results
obtained 3 fractions namely F1.1, F1.2, and F1.3. The F1.2 is obtained pure compound.