International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.31, 297-307
Figure 11 HMQC spectrum (A) δC area of 0.6 ppm and 2.4 ppm -δC HMBC spectrum (B) daerahδH 1.6 ppm - 2.5 ppm
Figure 12 COSY spectrum fragment in the 1.83 to 5.34 ppm (A and B), fragment of structure of the isolated compounds regions δH
1.94 - δH 5.34 ppm with a correlation COSY (C)
Figure 13 Β-sitosterol compounds isolated
2.5 Identification of 2 isolated compound result structure
2.5.1 Identification with 1H-NMR spectrum
1H-NMR spectrum showed signals at δH 2.34 ppm region (2H, t, J = 7.8 Hz) with the integration of two protons
is suspected as a signal for the methylene protons (CH2). Methylene signal with multiplet appears in the δH 1.64
ppm (2H, m), the proton is thought to be cleaved by more than two neighboring protons. Proton methyl (CH3)
seemingly appeared in the area δH 0.86 ppm (3H, t, J = B). Proton in this area appears as a triplet signal and
thought to be cleaved by two neighboring protons.