ijh-2015v5n5 - page 5

International Journal of Horticulture 2015, Vol.5, No.5, 1
besides meeting its domestic requirements. The genus
capsicum is often-cross pollinated crop and hence
exhibits wide variability for different quantitative and
qualitative traits (Parann et al., 2004; Gupta et al.,
2009; Singh and Pan, 2009; Datta and Jana, 2010;
Sharma et al., 2010). One of the methods to improve
the quality traits is heterosis breeding. Heterosis has
been exploited in large number of vegetable crops
including chillies. Heterosis breeding is the quickest
method for enhancing production and productivity.
The expression of heterosis may be due to factors such
as heterozygosity, allelic interaction
, dominance
or overdominance, non-allelic interaction or epistasis
and maternal interactions. Jinks and Hayman (1953)
and Griffing (1956) have described analysis of diallel
crosses which provide rapid overall evaluation of
certain genetic relationship such combining ability
among the parents and their crosses entering diallel
crosses. The diallel analysis also enables the breeder
to provide the behaviour of a cross in further
generations by making use of F
itself. Diallel cross
approach being quick and efficient to estimate the
combining ability, mode of reproduction and
components of variance was adopted to investigate
quality characters. Keeping these facts in view, the
present investigation was planned and executed to
identify the superior hybrids in respect of quality traits
in different genotypes of chilli following half-diallel
mating design.
1 Results and Discussion
1.1 Estimates of general combining ability effects
of parents
For dry matter content, three lines showed significant
and positive GCA values and thus adjudged as gca.
These were DL 161 (1.97), PP 403 (0.74) and MS 341
(0.38). Two lines SD 463 (14.82) and MS 341 (10.06)
exhibited highly significant positive desirable GCA
values and thus considered as gca for ascorbic acid in
green fruits whereas three lines viz. MS 341 (5.51),
SD 463 (3.60) andPP 402 (3.04) showed highly
significant and positive general combining ability
effects for ascorbic acid in red fruits and thus
considered as gca for the trait. Ascorbic acid
concentration and values was found around 50%
higher in red ripe chilli-pepper fruits as compared to
green chilli peppers. These results were agreed
according to the data reported by Osuna- Garcia et al.
(1998); Kumar and Tata (2009); Martinez et al. (2005).
For capsaicin content in powder, the genotypes
namely PP 402 (0.05) and DL 161 (0.03) have shown
significant and positive GCA values, four genotypes
SL 461 (2.33), PP 403 (1.16), VR 521 (0.78) and PP
402 (0.74 for oleoresin content, two genotypes PP 402
(0.20) and DL 161 (0.13) for capsaicin in oleoresin,
four Lines SL 462 (14.11), DL 161 (9.28), PP 402
(7.45) and VR 521 (1.87) for colouring matter in
powder, three genotypes SL 462 (67.94), VR 521
(27.60) and PP 403 (3.87) for colouring matter in
oleoresin and thus were considered as good gca for the
traits. Singh and Hundal (2001) identified Punjab Lal
had the best GCA effect for dry matter content,
capsaicin content in powder and capsaicin content in
oleoresin. Do Rego et al. (2009) reported Genitor 24
and 50 as good combiners for dry matter content.
Bhagyalakshmi et al. (1991) reported LCA 960, LCA
206 and G 4 were the best general combiner for
ascorbic acid in green fruits. Khadi (1983) found
Jwala, Sankeshwar, ICIB-190 and EC-764592 with
significant general combining ability for ascorbic acid
content in ripe fruits. Lohithaswa et al. (2001)
reported that the genotypes 1HR-1822-1/3-1/5, Pant
C-1 and PMR- 57 were gca for capsaicin content.
Prasath and Ponnuswami (2008) recorded the parental
lines Arka Lohit and S-1 to be good combiners for
capsaicin in powder and Arka Abir and Co 4 as gca for
oleoresin. Singh and Hundal (2001) reported S-2529
and LLS as gca for oleoresin content whereas the
genotypes S-2529 and S-2530 for colouring matter in
powder and colouring matter in oleoresin (Table 1).
1.2 Estimates of specific combining ability effects
of crosses
Significant and positive SCA values were showed by
twelve hybrids for dry matter content. Among the
crosses showing significant and desirable SCA effects,
the cross combination DL 161 x PP 403 involved both
the parents with significant and positive GCA effects.
Thus, there is an ample scope of development of true
breeding lines with high dry matter content. Top six
hybrids based on SCA effects were SL 462 x SD 463
(5.68), SL 461 x SL 462 (5.08), PP 403 x VR 521
(4.43), MS 341 x PP 403 (4.17), MS 341 x SL 462
(3.52), MS 341 x SD 463 (3.52) (Table 2). The SCA
effects for ascorbic acid in green fruit were significant
and positive for seven crosses. Among these cross
combinations no cross involved both the parents with
significant and desirable GCA effect. Top five hybrids
on the basis of SCA effects are SL 461 x VR 521
(55.05), SL 461 x DL 161 (52.08), SL 462 x SD 463
1,2,3,4 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14-15,16-17,18-19,...22
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