CGE -2016v4n1 - page 8

Cancer Genetics and Epigenetics 2016, Vol.4, No.1, 1-10
co-expressed with 86 coding-genes and 30 ncRNAs in multiple-network (Figure 4D). These 30 ncRNAs were
mainly enrichment to GO term, like ligand-dependent nuclear receptor activity, ion transport, an inorganic anion
transporter, ion channel complex. For example, ncRNA AC011298.2 enrichment to GO term, like 2, 3 monovalent
inorganic cation transport, embryonic organ development, anion transport (Figure 5D).
Figure 4 Sub-network of ion channel (Red node represent ncRNAs, green node represent ion channel protein genes, blue node
represent other coding genes. A. Potassium Channel co-expression sub-network. B. Calcium Channel co-expression
sub-network. C. Sodium Channel co-expression sub-network. D. Chloride Channel co-expression sub-network)
Figure 5 Function annotation of ncRNA (Function annotation of ncRNA LINC00202-2 B. Function annotation of
RP4-761J14.8 C. Function annotation of RP13-104F24.2 D. Function annotation of AC011298.2)
Relations between the Alzheimer's disease-related genes and ncRNAs
We obtained 1721 Alzheimer's disease-related genes from GENE Cards database (Safran et al., 2010), 387 genes
are contained in our multiple co-expression network, involving in 16,747 co-expression relationships (14,614
relationships between Alzheimer's disease-related genes and coding-genes, 2,133 relationships between
Alzheimer's disease-related genes and ncRNAs).
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12,13,14
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