IJMS-2015v5n25 - page 12

International Journal of Marine Science 2015, Vol.5, No.25, 1-9
(2010) have investigated the accumulation of boron in
the fishes and they found below the limits of detection
in all the tissues samples.
This indicated that the distribution of Cd, Ni, Mn, Al,
Pb and Cr in analysed samples were very low rather
than Fe, Co, Cu, Mg, Zn, and B. The relationship
between metals in trash fishes from Cuddalore [Cd
= 0.515), Co (R
= 0.008), Cu (R
= 0.998), Fe
= 0.999), Mg (R
= 0.990), Mn (R
= 0.980), Ni
= 0.088), Pb (R
= 0.752), Zn (R2 = 0.171), Al (R
0.634), Cr (R
= 0.199) and B (R
= 0.588] and
Pazhayar [Cd (R
= 0.928), Co (R
= 0.372), Cu (R
0.998), Fe (R
= 0.996), Mg (R
= 0.993), Mn (R
0.773), Ni (R
= 0.178), Pb (R
= 0.821), Zn (R
0.951), Al (R
= 0.996), Cr (R
= 0.996) and B (R
0.915] were evaluated by the regression method.
Results obtained from the present study reveal that the
concentrations of Ni, Co, Cr and Al are below well the
permissible limits and suggesting that these metals are
at safer level. The concentration of Cd and Pb was
above the permissible level in Cuddalore and it might
be due the presence of large scale industries which can
significantly contribute to the heavy metal load in to
the estuarine system.
The present study was carried out in polluted and
unpolluted areas to find out the status of heavy metal
concentrations in different trash fish species, landed in
Cuddalore and Pazhayar landings. As expected,
significant differences were found in different tissues
in the accumulation levels of the selected metals. This
result showed that higher levels of metals were found
in the gill, while lower levels were obtained in the
muscle. The concentration of trace metals in samples
is depended on fish species and habitat.
It may be concluded that consumption of these species
from this region is not a problem for human health,
but Cd and Pb is higher than the maximum
permissible levels in Cuddalore. However, a potential
risk may emerge in the future, depending on the
increasing chemicals, beverage manufacturing,
domestic waste water disposal, oil, soap, paint
production, paper and metal processing plants, ship
and boat transports. It is anticipated that, in future,
Cuddalore may receive a huge amount of heavy
metals due to the increasing industrial activities in this
region than the Pazhayar. Further, the present values
of metals concentrations can be used as a baseline data
for future comparisons with regard to heavy metal
pollution in trash fishes.
The authors are grateful to Prof. K. Kathiresan, Dean and
Director, CAS in Marine Biology, Faculty of Marine Sciences,
Annamalai University, Parangipettai for providing facilities to
carry out this research work and the Department of
Biotechnology (DBT/PR-9230/BLE/08/557/2007), Govt. of
India for their financial assistance.
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