IJMS-2017v7n2 - page 13

International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.2, 8-18
This could alter the regime of selected plants agriculture in this area. In addition, the saline water played an
important role in destroy part of eastern border of the estuary at Borg Meghazil with the attack of the sea waves,
which can enter the estuary. A project was set to repair the side border of the estuary by the Authority of Shore
Protection with consultation of Coastal Research Institute.
The previous work discussed the factors, which affect the land retreat during erosion of the promontory. In this
work, the factors possibly case the spit migration were discussed.
The previous work discussed the land variation using different forms of types of satellite images, which are very
expensive. In this work, illustrate that the this kind of work deals with big objects such as spit can be study
temporally using the new feature of the Google Earth program images.
The author would like to acknowledge the staff and marine teams of the Coastal Research Institute for the historical information
about the investigated area. In addition, I thank the General Authority of Irrigation from Delta Barrages for the data of the water
discharge through Edfina barrage.
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