International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.25, 247-259
from the beach as far as 100 meters, of course all the constructions both on the coastline and in front of it will be
dismantled (Septia, 2017).
Meanwhile, in terms of community empowerment, along with the growing population of the island is slowly
beginning to threaten the sustainability of the island. Recently, there have been efforts to maintain environmental
quality by involving school children from three islands together to participate in environmental education
activities. Each school includes about 20 students to participate in this activity. This activity is held with the
cooperation of Gili-Indah Village Government, Wildlife Conservation Society, River National Water Conservation
Center The working area of Gili-Trawangan Water Park which is one of the National Watershed Conservation
Area (Iman, 2014).
To support the goal of management and utilization of fish resources and ecosystem and environmental services in
a sustainable manner, it is necessary to disseminate information to the community, especially the next generation.
Activities such as education and awareness about Megafauna and charismatic Biota, especially sharks and manta
rays. Organizing this event is also to commemorate World Environment Day. The enthusiasm of children in the
activity is very high, the children feel happy with the activity. In addition to the material in the classroom they also
get material outside the classroom knowledge of turtle breeding. In the turtle breeding area they are also shown
directly to the egg hatchery. To improve the spirit and enthusiasm of children in this activity is given games about
environmental education and the importance of environmental protection, especially marine ecosystems. Here also
do screenings of movies about sharks and mantas so they are expected to still exist Biota from extinction. Students
are expected to know the various regulations related to the protection of endangered fish species. Participants are
also expected to understand the importance of conserving fish resources (Skhafid, 2014).
Types of important target fish, such as Lutjanus Argentimaculatu, grouper, baronang,
Lethrinus sp
, thick lips,
yellow tails, and
E. fuscoguttatus
can negatively affect the coral resilience process through arrest management,
especially the use of unsustainable fishing methods. The destructive fishing methods are a negative factor for coral
reefs. In contrast, community policies and initiatives on protection and conservation can be a positive factor.
4 Conclusion
The results of this study based on the concept of coastal ecotourism show that the performance of coastal
ecotourism in Gili-Trawangan in critical condition. There are three main issues that should be done to improve
coastal ecotourism performance in Gili-Trawangan: sustainable living patterns, conserving coastal community
resources, and enhancing regional economic development. In addition, it is also necessary to increase the trading
activities of seafood and traditional food, to maintain coastal environment cleanliness in order to maintain visual
aesthetics and natural landscape under the sea, and adjust government policy with local cultural wisdom.
The study also found several key points that undermine coastal tourism performance: a number of buildings along
the coast, waste that damage coastal environments. Because it is necessary conservation of coral reefs, mangroves,
seaweed beds, and turtles. In addition, fisheries and fisheries-tourism development activities have not increased
significantly in the regions thus reducing employment opportunities.
5 Implications
To address environmental concerns, the first steps needed to maintain environmental cleanliness and maintain a
minimum of building sites along the coastal areas. This can control the quality of the environment to support
ecotourism-coastal. In addition, it is necessary conservation of mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and marine
fish. Thus, ecotourism-fishing can be used as a portfolio marine fishing tourism. It can increase the number of
tourist visits and it also increases the income of the community and local government too.
Author’s contributions
The Author makes substantial contributions to conception and design, and/or acquisition of data, and/or analysis and interpretation of
data. Moreover, author participates in drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content. However, author
gives final approval of the version to be submitted and any revised version.