International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.25, 247-259
are quite dominant in observations and awards in the number of individuals on the island. Potential
fish species for reef fish communities in the top 10 based on the composition of biomass are
Myripristis Kuntee
Acanthurus Olivaceus
Kyphosus Cinerascens
Acanthurus Leucocheilus
Ctenochaetus Striatus
Mulloidichthys Flavolineatus
Neonipon Sammara
Naso Lituratus
, and
Lutjanus Kasmira
. In
addition, coral fish of the cockatoo species (
Hipposcarus spp and Scarus spp
) are coral gulpers. This group bites
the coral surface and removes algae and other materials just a little bit of traces of tooth extraction on the coral
substrate. Larger and more important types of diggers, such as
Bolbometopon Muricatum
Cetoscarus sp
and all
types of
Chlorurus spp
., Are different from the scraper group, because these groups are higher and so on (Susanti
and Suharti, 2014).
A sightseeing in certain areas of mangrove forest in the Island classified as less good. It‟s dominated by the type
Excoecaria Agallocha
Lumnitzera Racemosa
. In addition, there are two types of seagrass which has 100%
Thalassia Hemrpichii
Cymodocea Rotundata
. Six other seagrass species are linked to the sea-grass
monitoring transect in nine stations. Two types of seagrass which have 100% are
Thalassia Hemrpichii
Cymodocea Rotundata
. Medium, other types only exist in some stations only. On the other hand
, E. Acoroides
commonly found in various Indonesian landscapes, are rarely seen in Gili-Matra, possibly the type of sand fuels
and sludge release materials, the best substrate for growth of
E. Ecoroides
, a factor of very low abundance.
Regarding waste management, an effort was made by local community to improve the carrying capacity of the
coastal environment on the island is to waste and clean the beach. The district government of North Lombok has
just put the first stone on the construction of Integrated Waste Management Site in the islands to treat liquid and
solid waste. He hoped, the construction of the place if the garbage to the extent that later can settle down
accumulation of garbage in the islands (Rizky, 2016).
On the other hand, a dozen foreign tourists participated clean a beach along the eastern sides. They were all in
short, casual trousers. Some are bare-chested, some are singlet. Every tourist carrying burlap sacks. They picked
up one by one the garbage they found on the white sand beach then put it in a gunny sack. Around them, other
tourists there are fun swimming, lounging, or even sunbathing with just a bikini. Dozens of foreign tourists are
cleaning the beach along about 1 km. After cleaning the beach, the volunteers did get a free beer. That's how
Gili-Eco Trust invites tourists and locals to take care of the environment in Gili-Trawangan and two other islands
around it, Gili-Meno and Gili-Air commonly known as Gili-Matra. Work to clean up the beach they do every
Friday afternoon. The location is sedentary. In one devotional work, they get 80-120 kg of plastic waste. It is still
small compared to about 12 tons - 17 tons of waste per day on the island (Marbun, 2015; Rizky, 2016).
Tourism is like two sides of a coin. It not only brings economic benefits, but also has the potential to put pressure
on the quality of ecosystems, even marginalization of local communities. Signing Blue's socialization on the
island is an effort to reduce the pressure on resources on the island, which are facing the issue of waste generation,
spatial conflict, and tourism spatial use arrangements. The commitment of tourism actors to the improvement of
coastal tourism, and verified in the application of environmentally based business (Syukur et al., 2017).
In partnership with several communities, PT Multi-Bintang also organizes Wise Waste Management to educate
people how to segregate garbage and reduce plastic waste. Following the Socialization of Wise Manage Waste, as
a concrete step they donate the dumpster to be spread on the island and recycled bags to reduce the use of plastic
bags. This garbage can be a pilot for the community to separate garbage cans and bottles, organic waste and
non-organic waste. With this waste separation is expected to reduce pollution and utilize the recyclable value of
waste that can be recycled. With their socialization and the real form of a separate bin, people can start together to
keep the island clean (Guswan, 2017).
Talking about the island's environment is impossible without involving Gili-Eco Trust. Non-governmental
organizations with the official name of the Gili-Indah Ecosystem Foundation are always referred to as resource
persons when discussing environmental conservation. Gili-Eco Trust does do various environmental conservation