IJMS-2017v7n25 - page 15

International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.25, 247-259
the hatchling will be treated there. During that time the managers will take care of the dive every day. According
to them, within a year they can process 1,500 tails. At the age of 6-8 months, the tortoise has just been released
into the open sea. Tourists who can donate USD 20 for each sea turtle (Muhajir, 2017). Thereby, they get
donations from tourists for the daily operational cost of turtle breeding center of the island. According to them,
until now none of the institutions that support the conservation effort. In 2008, the Garuda Indonesia party built
the breeding hall. However, at this time they never come or support again. They just built it, and after that never
helped to take care of the building. The government also does not care at all. In fact, it would be nice if the
government came and helped the turtle breeder management agency. In fact, to manage the breeding center, they
need a day cost of about USD 20 for sea turtle feed and maintenance costs. Therefore, they have removed the
donation box in the hall. However, very few visitors donate to them.
At the same location, among the three dyke, algae cover is between 54-70%, the highest is in Gili-Meno (70.8%),
whereas hard coral cover is between 15-34%, the highest is in Gili-Trawangan (34.13%). Soft corals or soft corals
of many of these islands (7.96%). The composition of the coral substrate is not much different from that
encountered outside the Gili-Matra Aquatic Park area, which is on the north coast of Lombok Island (Skhafid,
The highest hard coral cover in Gili-Air is at the Bongkas Reef location of 41.5% and the lowest is in Batfish
Point. While the highest in Gili-Trawangan is in Trawangan Slope (61.5%) and lowest in Shark Point (20%). High
hard coral cover is mostly found on the location of coral reefs with high steepness. On a coral reef with a depth of
2-5 meters‟ massive damage is most commonly encountered. The waters in this depth is the place where most
fishery activities occur. This location is also a place that is rich in fish resources so it becomes an easy target for
fishing activities using bombs. The highly unstable coral reefs due to bombing activities are very difficult to attach
to coral larvae so that recruitment is difficult and substrates previously dominated by coral reefs are transformed
into dominant algae.
The Wildlife Conservation Society cites one instructor in Gili-Trawangan that the high number of dive tourists at
some of the favorite locations is due to the uniqueness of certain Biota that makes diving attraction, such as
Sharks, Turtles, Wreck (sinking ship) and Coral Garden which impact on the high frequency Visits are as many as
3-5 times per week, and the demand of tourists. In addition, the number of tourist arrivals in August increased up
to two times compared with July, it is expected that in August is one of the high season. In their study, they
mentioned the carrying capacity is the ability of the area or the location of diving tourism activities to receive a
number of tourists with the intensity of diving activities on coral reef ecosystems that take place continuously
without destroying their habitat. The carrying capacity in this study was calculated using coral growth as a
limiting factor.
To improve the carrying capacity of the environment, the Minister of Tourism supports the steps of the Regent of
North Lombok who conduct the illegal building control in Gili-Trawangan Beach resort. This can be an example
for areas that have beautiful beach destinations, beautiful scenery, from the edge of the road. Be never intercepted
by any building. He also asserted that anything that destroys the landscape must be disciplined, because
everywhere, all over the world, the beach must be unfurled. Meanwhile, from the Bureau of Antara reported that
the Regent of North Lombok will conduct curb unauthorized buildings that stood in the line of the Beach.
There are 143 business properties, such as hotels and restaurants, in the tourist areas that violate the rules and do
not have permission so should be dismantled. Buildings that violate the Local Regulations of North Lombok,
since standing less than 30 meters from the coastline are also demolished. A total of 143 business buildings that
have been standing along the coastline of the tourist area finally dismantled the owners are voluntarily assisted
government officials. The demolition of the building is in accordance with the Regional Regulation and the
Provincial Spatial Plan on the limits of the construction of the building may be done at a distance of 100 meters
from the shoreline. It is impossible for the government to set a boundary for the construction of a building 100 m
from the shore, therefore they are subject to a limit of 30 m. When referring to the minimum limit of the building
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