IJMS-2017v7n25 - page 12

International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.25, 247-259
reasons. First, protect and conserve fish resources as well as important types of ecosystems in the waters to ensure
the sustainability of their ecological functions. Second, to realize the utilization of fish resources and ecosystem
and environmental services in a sustainable manner. Third, preserving local wisdom in the management of fish
resources in or around water conservation areas. Fourth improve the welfare of people around the conservation
area (Skhafid, 2014).
Nevertheless, there are a couple of efforts from various parties to improve the quality of the coastal environment.
Considering natural damage is a serious threat to coastal tourism as an impact of forest encroachment and
environmental pollution. Moreover, this region is very dependent on the natural tourism sector. 50% of the island's
tourist destinations are environmental issues. This coastal environment is a serious problem that must be faced by
all parties. For that, at the Festival of Enchantment Gili-Indah Department of Culture and Tourism. This
movement is contained by the planting of flamboyant trees by the Deputy Governor of West Nusa-Tenggara (Ili,
2016). Currently, PT Bank Mandiri Public company, provides USD 9 million to build road and waste management
systems in Gili-Trawangan, West Nusa-Tenggara. Of the total assistance, USD 50,000 is allocated for street
lighting on the beach, then the funds are allocated to build a sewage treatment system. Being one of the leading
tourist destinations in the region.
By the time, damage to coral reefs in the tourist area, because of the rapid ships from Bali which often unleash
anchored anchor in Gili-Trawangan. They bring passengers about 100-200 foreign tourists. Then they release the
anchor without control, so the marine ecosystems become damaged, especially coral reefs. The Executive Director
of the Forum for the Environment says that 55% of the coral reefs in the island, North Lombok, West
Nusa-Tenggara, are now in severe damage. Even the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries recorded the level
of coral reef damage where this goal reached 70% (Poerwanto, 2016). Besides, according to the Wildlife
Conservation Society, diving tourism is a dynamic tourism activity, there is a direct or indirect relationship
between the number of divers with coral damage. Increasing or decreasing the number of divers in a dive tourist
area will move dynamically to follow the changes that occur in natural resources and other external factors. There
is a linear relationship between the uniqueness of dive sites with the number of divers over time, this is influenced
the service of tour operators to maintain customer satisfaction and keep running tourism promotion. In any case, it
appears that social and ecological thresholds are critical and inter-factor linkages need to be considered in
managing watershed areas to meet conservation and tourism / recreational needs. Unfortunately, carrying capacity
is difficult to define critical thresholds, and has different meanings for different people.
Diving activities are increasingly popular with tourists. Moreover, many diving-points in Indonesia whose beauty
is already worldwide. Unfortunately, more and more divers' can make coral reef stress. Plunging is a way for
tourists to see coral reefs of various colors and sizes. The divers also increasingly forgot the land, when looking at
the adorable sea fish passing around the coral reefs. Beyond that, apparently there is a negative impact of the
activities. Like the enemy in the blanket, the negative impact is not much known to many travelers and managers
diving-tour operators. Coral reefs are also like that which can be stressful if many divers are swimming around.
For that, it is good the tour operators who offer activities in addition to making regular schedules. They should be
able to make a long time lag, so that not many tourists who swim to the sea. Travelers should also be aware and
they can not go around together for long periods (Farhan, 2013).
Previously, Head of Marine and Marine Affairs, Marine and Fishery of North Lombok, said there are about 15%
of the 2,954 hectares of dead coral in Gili-Trawangan. Coral reefs are dominated by Acropora Suharsonoi, and
Avicennia Marina. In addition, there are types Acropora Hyacinthus and Acropora Clathrata (Skhafid, 2014;
Rahmi, 2015). As a note, the average growth of corals for each 25 m2 / year slowed in 21 observation sites on the
island, amounting to 0.023 m2 / year or equivalent to 0.575 m2. The lowest slow-growing reefs occurred at the
Corner Reef and Blue Plains observation sites of 0.002 m2 / year respectively (Susanti and Suharti, 2014).
Furthermore, observation of reef fish from the indicator fish category recorded as many as 27 species of fish
“Kepe-Kepe” found in the location of observation. Types of
Chaetodon Klenii
Chaetodon Baronessa
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