IJA-2018v8n14 - page 5

International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.14, 104-111
Research Article Open Access
Histopathological Study of Female Striped Gourami (
Trichogaster fasciata
Bloch & Schneider, 1801) Gill Exposed to Chlorpyrifos
Sharmin Sultana Mukti
, Gias Uddin Ahmed
, Zoarder Faruque Ahmed
, Kazir Ahmed Sumon
, Mst Kaniz Fatema
1 Department of Fisheries Management, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
2 Department of Aquaculture, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh-2202, Bangladesh
Corresponding author Email
International Journal of Aquaculture, 2018, Vol.8, No.14 doi
Received: 02 Apr., 2018
Accepted: 16 May, 2018
Published: 01 Jun., 2018
Copyright © 2018
Mukti et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article
Mukti S.S., Ahmed G.U., Ahmed Z.F., Sumon K.A., and Fatema M.K., 2018, Histopathological study of female striped gourami (
Trichogaster fasciata
, Bloch
& Schneider, 1801) gill exposed to chlorpyrifos, International Journal of Aquaculture, 8(14): 104-111 (doi
Histopathological study was carried out with the gills of female striped gourami (
Trichogaster fasciata
) exposed to
chlorpyrifos 20 EC. The main objective of the present work was to evaluate the effects of chlorpyrifos to observe the
histopathological alterations on gills of striped gourami caused by chlorpyrifos toxicity. To conduct the experiment, 15 PVC tanks
each containing 300 L water were used. Female fishes were kept in 15 tanks and conditioned for 21 days prior to chlorpyrifos
exposure. Five sub-lethal concentrations (0, 15, 50, 150 and 500 μg/L) of chlorpyrifos based on previously estimated LC
880 μg/L were used in this study for 75 days. There were significant changes on gills until 75 days. A number of changes such as
hemorrhage, hypertrophy, necrosis, pyknosis, vacuums, splitted gill lamellae and missing of gill lamellae were observed in the gills
of striped gourami exposed to chlorpyrifos in T
, T
and T
µg/L concentrations. There were notable histopathological changes in
, T
and T
µg/L concentrations in comparison with control group. All the fishes died within 75 days when exposed to 500 µg/L
concentration of chlorpyrifos. This investigation sufficiently revealed that chlorpyrifos had adverse effects on the gills of investigated
fish. The present research suggested that the use of chlorpyrifos in agriculture should be carried out with a great caution.
Striped gourami; Chlorpyrifos; Gill; Pesticide
Although pesticide is beneficial for diseases and pest control but it also poses a harmful effect to our environment
such as the pollution of pond water. Pesticides have been mentioned as the contributor of gradual degradation of
the aquatic ecosystem (Konar, 1975).It is assumed that about 25% of the used pesticides drain off into open water
bodies through rainfall and floods and the aquatic environment obviously gets polluted. The pollution hazards for
aquatic life are increasing pointedly. Sometimes this pollution may cause sudden death of fishes and other aquatic
organisms (Rahman and Alam, 1997). Due to natural and human induced phenomena, day by day a number of
fish species is going to vulnerable, endangered and critically endangered situation. Among the indigenous fish
species, 12 have been categorized as critically endangered, 28 as endangered and 14 as vulnerable (IUCN, 2015).
Trichogaster fasciata
is considered as least concern by IUCN (2015). One of the major causes of this situation is
the indiscriminate use of various insecticides and pesticides in the agricultural sectors.
The organochlorines pesticides are DDT, Eldrin, Chloroden, Dieldren, Heptachlore etc. In general organochlorine
compounds are more toxic than other groups of 3 pesticides to fish. Durability of its action in water is about 3-15
years. Activities of nervous system are paralyzed by the effects of these types of pesticides. Convulsion of muscle
occurs and animals loss their balance of Na and K in neuron (Sachsen and Sultana, 1999). Carbamates viz.
Carbaryl, Marshal are moderately toxic to fish but highly toxic to other aquatic invertebrates. The biological
activities of these pesticides are very similar to organophosphorus. Pyrethroids pesticides are similar to
organochlorine but degraded promptly, within 7-30 days Organophosphorus insecticides viz. Diazinon, Nogos,
Sumithion, Basudin, Malathion, Darsban etc. inhibit the enzymatic (Cholinesterase) activity of blood (Amin et al.,
2013). Convulsion of muscles, paralysis and damage of respiratory system also occur due to the effects of
organophosphorus pesticides.
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