IJMS-2015v5n17 - page 8

International Journal of Marine Science 2015, Vol.5, No.17, 1-4
technique is not yet a breakthrough. The eel
aquaculture industry is still faced with the problem of
scarcity of eel fry. There are rich eel resources near the
China Yangtze Delta. Nevertheless, the eel fry
resources have been become less and less because of
overfishing since 1974. Although the Chinese
government has issued relevant regulatory
requirements, for example eel exports should meet the
domestic aquaculture first as a precondition. But there
are a lot of eel fry resources flows from China to
abroad through smuggling every year which is driven
by huge profits. This directly results in Chinese eel
aquaculture industry is facing severe scarcity of eel fry,
and thereby preventing further increase in Chinese eel
3 Conclusion
In order to solve these problems, the relevant
government departments and organizations should
further improve the relevant laws and regulations.
Besides China government must also pay more
attention to increase the productivity and efficiency of
the eel aquaculture industry. This can be achieved
mainly in two ways: First, increase research
investment, strengthen cooperation and exchange
among global research organizations, accelerate
research about eel artificial breeding technique and
explore eel aquaculture technology of other breed.
Second, improve the technical efficiency of eel
aquaculture industry such as optimizing the allocation
of resources in eel aquaculture industry. However,
technological progress is difficult to realize in a short
term unless technology breakthrough, so improve the
technical efficiency of eel aquaculture industry is the
best way to promote the development of eel
aquaculture industry currently.
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