International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.7: 74-81
Figure 1 Anyer Coastal Tourism 2013
(Planned and created); (4) Utilization of natural
coastal tourism; (5) Enjoy the beauty of the landscape,
Fishing, and Eco lodge; and (6) Open source coastal
According to Pearce and Robinson (2005),
competitiveness criteria: (1) creativity and human
resources (HR), (2) excellence in operational control
object coastal tourism attraction, (3) the effectiveness
of the distribution of objects promotion of coastal
tourism attraction, (4) price advantage, and (5) the
object quality coastal tourism attraction.
Based on the provincial spatial plan of West Banten,
there are environmental problems in Anyer coast. The
indicators are: (1) coastal erosion in the coastal areas
due to destruction of mangroves and sand mining
activities are not environmentally sound; (2) the
occurrence of saltwater intrusion in Anyer coast due to
destruction of mangrove forests, coastal erosion, and
groundwater extraction uncontrolled; (3) object
coastal tourist attraction also have other
environmental problems, namely the obstruction
object coastal tourist attraction by privately own
buildings which caused people are not free to enjoy
the coast, because they loss of access to public goods
due to the construction of resort hotels, and restaurants
that violate the provisions of the coastline
national/provincial (BPES, 2013).
The reason of conducting this research is responding
WTTC (2013) statements and conserves Anyer coastal
tourism become Anyer coastal ecotourism, where the
destination is closed to the Indonesian International
Airport Soekarno Hatta and it’s located close to the
Indonesian capital as well. It’s become Indonesia
capital buffer zones.
The aim of the research is to conserve Anyer coastal
environment from negative environmental impact and
improving coastal tourism competitiveness by
implementing the ecotourism and competitiveness
1 Methodology
The research is conducted from January 2011 –
January 2012, in one-year Anyer beach of Serang
sub-district, Indonesia (Figure 1), descriptive and
questioning respondent by purposive (Knotters and
Brus, 2013; Teddlie and Yu, 2007) and stratified
(Ploeg, 1999) to 216 respondents, and it was collected
in the Serang sub-district by triangulation technique:
open observation; structured interview; and the
interview (Marwick and Uniger, 1975). The
respondent: Association of the Indonesia tour & travel