International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.7: 74-81
agencies, Local government bodies, Department of
Culture and Tourism, Department of Marine and
Fisheries, Association of Indonesian Hotels and
Restaurants, Local people of coastal community,
Custom Crafts, NGOs, Tour operators, Bureau of
statistics, domestic tourists and international tourists.
The collection of data used in this study is the
technique of triangulation, namely: observation, open
interviews, structured, and secondary data analysis for
verification of information (Marwick and Uniger,
1975). Factors that affect the interaction of the
interview include: current situation of conducting of
the interviews, interviewer’s interest, respondent
opinion, and interview topics.
Moreover, the data was tabulated by the Content
Analysis’ (Cohen, 1960) statistics based on
competitiveness concept as well as ecotourism
concept: exploration a coastal tourism; parameter
ecotourism; posting of each ecotourism parameter;
ecotourism frequency matched; ecotourism frequency
counted; and result analyzed (Henderson, 1991; Smith
et al., 2009; and UNEP and WTO, 2012).
The new object of Anyer natural coastal tourism is
consistency obtained with a repetition frequency
analysis of the expression parameters ecotourism
concept of Cohen's Kappa (K) (Landish and Koch,
However, on one hand, the requirement for
implementing the ecotourism concept: coastal tourism
contributes to conservation; empower local
community; educated about friendly tourism to
tourists and local communities; contributes wealth to
local community and conservation; minimized
environmental impact and increased coastal value
added; and open region coastal tourism. On the other
hand, improving coastal tourism competitiveness
requires: creativity; manage and control; promote;
pricing strategy; and quality destination improvement
needs (Hengky, 2006).
2 Results
2.1 The utilization of coastal tourism attraction of
Utilization of coastal tourism attraction of the coast of
Anyer has not implemented the concept of ecotourism.
The indicators are: (1) entrepreneurs have not been
involved in the process of exploiting the potential
attraction of the sustainable coastal tourism (Pujansari,
2003), (2) business has not empower people
(Lanjumin, 2004), (3) the economic contribution to
society is not significant (WRI, 2013), (4) utilization
of attraction of coastal tourism in Anyer beach
negative impact on the environment, coral reefs have
been damaged (WRI, 2013), and (5) business has not
been involved in the interpretation of the potential
utilization of objects coastal tourism attractions, so
that the tourism management professionals do not
impress (Pujansari, 2003).
In general, the exploration coastal tourism attraction
of nature with the concept of ecotourism in Anyer
beach indicates a gap between the attraction of the
current coastal tourism and utilization of coastal
ecotourism attraction of the concept of ecotourism.
The gaps include: patterns of utilization and
conservation of the environment, the negative impact
on the environment, education/interpretation, and
community empowerment.
Environmental phenomena indicated by the declining
quality of natural resources and high activity
encroachment caused by economic pressures on
coastal areas of Anyer. This phenomenon lowers water
absorption and decrease the production of oxygen. In
addition, encroachment occurs, thus lowering the
quality of the environment and biodiversity potential.
In 2000, along coastal tourism attraction of Anyer
covered hundreds of coconut trees lined along the
shore, but now only covered some of the remaining
coconut trees. This lowers the potential beauty of the
landscape and the quality of the coastal environment,
given the distance of the building to the beach less
than 30 m, and the development along the coastline of
Anyer not give the impression of a professional.
Furthermore, the current trend of tourism area
management is generally not professionally both
product and packaging facilities and infrastructure. All
of their coastal tourism activities degrade the quality
of coastal tourism attraction of which impact on
decreasing the resale value of it.
The Anyer coast is the famous attraction of coastal
tourism historical relics of King Willem III. But it is
less well maintained. It is an indicator of a lack of