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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.27, 245-252
Goodness of fit
in MDS is reflected from the amount
of S-Stress value that is calculated based on the value
of S and R
. Lower stress value indicates a
good fit
, a
high S value indicates the opposite. In the approach
, a good model is shown by a smaller
stress value less than 0.25 or S <0.25 (Fauzi and Anna
2005). Good R2 value is the total value approaching 1.
Overall the stages in sustainability analysis using the
MDS can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Methods and study phases using MDS
2 Result and Discussion
2.1 Ecological dimension
The analysis result using Rapfish shows that the
sustainability index for ecological dimension is
amounting 48.63, as on Figure 2.
Figure 2 Analysis of Rap-Insus in the Thousand Islands shows
the ecological sustainability index in The Thousand Islands
This result shows that the ecological dimension in the
management of fisheries resources in the Thousand
Islands is in the category of less sustainable. The
results of leverage analysis (Figure 3) showed that the
intensity of community’s waste is the attribute with
the highest value. This shows us that people’s
awareness to manage the waste/ trash is still low, and
more often people throw that waste/ trash in the river.
Figure 3
Role of each ecological aspect attribute stated in the
form of changes of
Root Mean Square
(RMS) in The Thousand
The low value of the sustainability index in this
ecological indicator was caused by water pollution of
waste/ trash that reached to 140 tons/day from the 13
rivers flowing to the Thousand Islands as stated by
BPLHD (2012). To improve the sustainability index in
the ecological dimension, it is necessary to give the
awareness to the society, to be able to manage waste/
trash at the source, and do not throw waste/ trash into
the river.
2.2 Economic dimension
The results of the analysis in Figure 4 shows that the
economic dimension has a value of 55.44 above the
midpoint between bad and good, it means that the
economic dimension is in the category of fairly continuous
based on the range of sustainability index value.
Figure 4 Rapfish Analysis: Economic sustainability index in the
Thousand Islands