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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.27, 245-252
Of the 11 attributes on the economic dimension, the
results of the leverage’s analysis based on expert
assessment shows the most sensitive attribute that
contributes to the economic dimension is the number
of fishery workers (3.62), and the percentage of poor
people (2:59) as shown in Figure 5.
Figure 5 Attribute’s role in economic aspect stated in the form
of Root Mean Square changes (RMS) in the Thousand Islands
This is because most of the people in Tidung and
Untung Jawa islands work in the fisheries sector as
traditional fishermen, and as a labors, they earn the
wage ranging from 300,000-500,000 rupiahs or USD
30-50 / month. To increase the sustainability index on
economic dimension, it is necessary to pay special
attention to the workers in this sector, through funding
assistance and post-capture processing training, thus
providing value-added economy. With the increasing
value-added economy, it will give directly impact to
the increasing of the fishermen’s income, and it will
also give the impact to the decline of the number of
poor society.
The number of workers in the fisheries sector is 80%
of the total population skilled fishermen using floating
fishing nets cultivation and having the ability to
process their fish by their own to increase their
economic value-added.
2.3 Social dimension
The results of analysis of sustainability index on social
culture dimension (Figure 6) shows the value of
sustainability index of 56.54, this indicate that this
dimension is quite sustainable. The main factor that
makes this dimension quite sustainable is the potential
of human resources absorption in the fisheries sector in
the Thousand Islands is still very large, so it can still be
used for a long time, in addition to the number of
Figure 6 Rapfish Analysis of social and culture sustainability
index in the Thousand Islands
workers absorbed, then it will have a positive impact on
the increasing of people's income.
The leverage’s analysis to the 9 attributes on this
dimension shows there are three attributes that are the
most sensitive and should get the attention to increase
the sustainability value of social and culture
dimension, such as: the role of indigenous people in
the fisheries sector (6:37), the number of villages with
population working in the fisheries sector (5:50) and
the distance to the settlement farms and fishing (4.75),.
It is necessary to do the intervention of the
government’s policy to involve the Government in the
efforts of indigenous peoples in the management of a
thousand islands region, as shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7 The role of each attribute of social culture aspect that
stated in the change’s form of Root Mean Square (RMS) in the
Thousand Islands
2.4 Legal and Institutional Dimension
The value of sustainability index of the Legal and
Institutional (Figure 8 based on the Rapfish analysis
result stating as 43.73, (categorized as less
sustainable). Main factor that influences this
dimension becomes less sustainable is due to the lack
role of indigenous people in the management of the