International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.27, 245-252
sustainability development, which are: (1) spatial
harmony, (2) assimilation capacity and (3) the use of
sustainability. The performance indicator of the
fisheries management can be seen from several
dimensions namely Ecology, economy and social
(Dahuri et al, 2003).
1 Methodology
The research was conducted at the Thousand Islands
Administrative Regency, which was in Untung Jawa
island, Tidung island that are located at the position
20'00"BT - 106
57'00" BT and 5
10'00 "LS -
57'00" LS. The research started from March 2012 to
December 2012. Data were collected from expert
respondents using ordinal questionnaire designed
according to the attributes of each indicator, 0 for bad
and 3 for good.
To detect the level of sustainability we use
Multidimensional Scaling (MDS). MDS is a
multivariate statistical analysis that can be used as
multiple variables to determine the position of an
object based on similarity or dissimilarity (Groenen,
PJF; Velden and M. Vane; 2004). Yaoung, FW (2009)
stated that MDS is a data analysis technique which
displays it in the form of geometric images based on
the similarity or the lack of resemblance, based on the
euclidus distance. The use of this analysis is through
several stages, among others:
1) The determination of the fisheries sustainability
indicators of the Thousand Islands that include five
dimensions which are: ecological, economic, social,
legal and institutional, as well as infrastructure and
technology. Each dimension is then measured using
the attributes of each.
2) The valuation of each attribute in an ordinal scale is
based on sustainability criteria of each dimension.
Each attribute of each dimension was conducted for
the valuation based on the
scientific judgment
by the
expert respondents according to the requirement.
Ordinal scoring given in the range of 0-2, or 0-3, or in
accordance with the attributes character that describe
the valuation level from the lowest (0) to the highest
level (3).
3) Calculating the sustainability index and analyze the
status of sustainability. Score estimation of each
dimension is expressed by the worst scale (bad) 0% to
the best (good) 100%. Sustainability index is the value
of each dimension that describes the level of
sustainability. This sustainability index value can be
seen in Table 1.
Table 1 Sustainability Status Category of Fishery Resources
Management in the Thousand Islands
Index Value
Poor (not continuous)
Less (less sustainable)
Enough (quite sustainable)
Good (very sustainable)
Note: Sources: Fauzi and Anna (2005)
Through the MDS method, the position of the point of
sustainability can be visualized through the horizontal
and vertical axis. With the rotation, the position of the
point can be visualized on a horizontal axis with a
rate value of sustainability index score of 0% (bad)
to 100% (good). The illustration of the ordination
result of the sustainability index value shown in
Figure below.
The index value of sustainability of each dimension
can be visualized at the same time in the form of a kite
diagram. The symmetrical of kite diagram is
determined by the sustainability index of each
dimension (ecological, economic, social, institutional
and technology). Besides that, the value of
sustainability index of each dimension can be
displayed on the diagram.
To view the most sensitive attribute that contributes to
the sustainability index, it has conducted the sensitivity
analysis by looking at the change in
Root Mean Square
(RMS) on the x-axis ordination (Kavanagh, 2001 in
Budiharsono, 2007). In evaluating the effect of errors
in estimating the value of ordination we used