Legume Genomics and Genetics - page 8

Legume Genomics and Genetics 2014, Vol.6, No.1, 1-11
one for all characters under studied proving presence
of the non- additive genetic control. Similar results
were reported by Seenaiah et al (1993), Shanti priya
and Hariprasad Reddy (1999), Govindaraj and
Subramanian (2001) and Manivannan (2002).It should
be a concluding statement that dominant component
were playing major role in expression of these
characters. The components of both additive variance
(D) and dominance variance (H) were worked out for
all the studying traits indicating that the expression of
all the traits is conditioned by both additive and
dominance (non-additive) gene action. Similarly the
relationship between additive (σ
A) and dominance
variance (σ
D) and their ratio (σ
A/ σ
D) established
the relation of non additive gene action. When the
ratio is less than unity it secured the discussion for
non additive generation means, non fixable part of
gene action were still governing smoothly for these
traits. Presence of non-additive gene action for these
heterozygosity in the population. The ratio of σ
SCA was approximately 1.00 which envisaged
importance of both additive and non-additive
components of variation in expression of these three
important morpho-economic traits action was more
affected by environment conditions than the additive
type. From the above component heritability had been
worked out.
The success of any breeding programme largely
depends on the choice of the parent used in the
hybridization. In addition to it, high mean was also
considered as the main criterion for the selection of
superior parents for breeding programme. Gilbert
(1958) suggested that the parents with good per se
performance would result in better hybrids. Further
the parents having high
effects could be useful
since, the
effect is due to additive gene action and
is fixable (Sprague and Tatum, 1942).
The diallel analysis by Griffing’s method proved
useful in the identification of parents for hybrid
combinations, as the high correlation between the
performance of the parents and estimates of the effects
of their GCA and SCA seem to indicate. Significant
mean squares for GCA and SCA confirm the presence
of combining ability; however, SCA mean squares
were larger than GCA. Combining ability can play a
better role in identifying the precious genotypes for
having specific cross combinations which can be used
for heterosis and for further selection in segregating
generations. Crosses like PU-35×LBG-17, OBG-31 ×
Keonjhar Local, LBG-17×OBG-31, PU-30× Keonjhar
Local,OBG-17× LBG-17, PU-30×OBG-31, LBG-17
×Keonjhar Local, TU-94-2×PU-30, B-3-8-8×TU-94-2,
PU-35×Keonjhar Local were promising in F
generation (Table 7).This cross also possessed high
mean seed yield with desirable yield components
along with desirable plant stature. Hence this cross
combination could favourably be considered for
exploiting its vigour through heterosis breeding.
However employing hybridization techniques in
pulses including black gram is very tedious as the
flowers are very small and delicate with
cleistogamous nature. It is practically observed that
through hand emasculation and pollination technique
less than 5 per cent seed set is possible as proposed by
Selvam and Elangaimannan (2010), Chakraborty
et al.
(2010) and Bhagirath et al. (2013). Hence, heterosis
could be favourably exploited only if proper male
sterility system is available. The presence of highly
and non-significant
may be due to
additive and additive x additive interaction. Hence
these crosses may be utilized for recombination
breeding for further exploitation as these hybrids
would throw segregants for higher yield.
Materials and Methods
The field experiment was undertaken at Experimental
Block-II section of the department of Plant Breeding
and Genetics, during
pre rabi,
2013 to
late rabi
2013-14. Geographically, the field experimentation
site is located on 20
. N latitude, 82
.E longitude
and at an altitude of 25.9 m above the mean sea level
and nearly 64 km west of the Bay of Bengal. It comes
under the humid and sub-tropical climate zone of the
state. In
pre rabi
), 2013eight Black gram
genotypes of different origin (7 improved variety + 1
promising local) were presented in Table 1. were
utilized as parents to obtain 28 hybrid combinations
according to a diallel crossing scheme (all
combinations without reciprocals). Seeds of parental
genotype were obtained by selfing. Hybrid F
were obtained by manual pollination. Further in
laterabi (Dec-March)
2013-14 the parents and F
were grown at the EB-II of Plant Breeding & Genetics
Department, OUAT, in three replicated randomized
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,12-13,14-15,16-17,18-19,20
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