l J. Aqua., 2013, Vol.3, No.5, 17
tracer, trace, accurate and able to answer the claim in
case of food safety incidents.
To find the implementation of traceability in aquaculture
using fish bone diagram with a combination of
balanced score card. Logical and accurate assessment
can only be given by researchers with experts in the
field of aquaculture panelists include: experienced
pond owners, technicians and technical service ponds
of shrimp feed, aquaculture facilities and entrepreneurs.
Stages of the study are as follows:
a. Terrestrial surveying shrimp farming in East Java.
In purposive sampling to identify the technical components
cultivation by each farmer with technicians.
b. Grouping technical component trace, then arranged in
the form of a fishbone diagram. The technical
components of the fishbone diagram are divided into
internal factors and external factors.
c. Establish levels of performance achievement in the
implementation of technical components and
interpreted in the form of the lowest performance
assessed 0 and the highest performance rated 100.
d. Setting the percentage scale of dominance between
internal factors and external factors based on the
urgency of the technical component. Determination
of the percentage scale based on the empirical fact of
dominance results in depth interviews with farmers.
e. Make a chart analysis of the relationship between
internal factors and external factors to describe in
depth the technical component is closely related to
the performance culture tracer data that must be
owned by the farmers.
f. Calculate the level of risk based on the dominance
scale to examine the critical factors and demonstrate
empirically the potential hazards that may occur in
the performance of cultivation.
g. Designing a data procurement initiation tracer.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Kamiso, H.N., M.Sc.; Dr. Ir. Nazori Djazuli, M.Sc.; Dr. Ir.
Hardoko, MS.; Haji Kosim (CEO Ali Ridho Grup as dedicated for
organic certificate ISO 65 in shrimp ponds by Naturland-Germany); Ir.
Hery Sudarmono; Ir. Sardjono Budi Santoso and Ir. Junaedi Ispinanto.
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