Molecular Plant Breeding 2016, Vol.7, No.29, 1
3.2 Field experiment
The research work was carried out at the Regional Spices Research Centre of Bangladesh Agricultural Research
Institute (BARI) Joydebpur, Gazipur, during the period from December 2013 to May 2014. A Randomized
Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two replications was applied in this experiment where the genotypes were
randomly allotted in each block. Each replication contained 30 genotypes having 50cm x 50cm spacing. The unit
plot size was 2m length and 1m breadth. Block to block distance was 50cm. Sowing of the seeds on the tray was
done at a depth of one centimeter for easy emergence. Thirty seven days old healthy seedlings were transplanted
in the experimental plots. The recommended manure and fertilizer doses were applied. Gap filling and necessary
intercultural operations were done during the crop period for proper growth and development of the plants. Each
plot was covered with water hyacinth in the dry month to conserve the soil moisture.
3.3 Experimental data
The observation were recorded on 5 randomly selected plants per replication for each accession on 12 quantitative
characters i.e., plant height (cm), no. of primary branches/plant, no. of secondary branches/plant, days to first
flowering, days to 50% flowering, days to fruit maturity, fruit diameter (mm), fruit length (cm), fruit pedicle
length (cm), fruit weight (gm), fruits/plant, yield/plant (cm).
3.4 Statistical analysis
R-3.1.1 statistical program was used in all statistical analysis. The "Cluster" package (MAECHLER et al., 2016)
from comprehensive R archive network (CRAN) was used to calculate the clustering pattern according to
Mahalanobis D
statistics. Character contribution towards genetic divergence was calculated using "Biotools"
package from CRAN (DA SILVA, 2016). Genotype by trait biplot was constructed using “GGEBiplotGUI”
package from CRAN (FRUTOS et al., 2013).
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