International Journal of Marine Science 2016, Vol.6, No.54, 1-8
outer fjords but meio fauna had significant differences in the distribution between the two fjords. Thus,
macrofauna and meiofauna provide different but complementary types of information on their occurrence and also
in relation to the prevailing environmental conditions. Meiofauna can be sensitive to environmental disturbances as
the sediment in the outer fjord area was always under commotion by the inflow and out flow of water masses hence
they were highly concentrating to the less disturbed inner fjord. In summer months the input of terrigenous material
transported by the rivers produced high particle flux which affected both the benthic food availability and substrate
conditions. Hence, seasonality was evident for both macro and meio faunal distribution in the present study.
Therefore, long term, spatio-temporal studies are further required to evolve at a detailed and comprehensive
information on benthic fauna and its variabilities in the Arctic fjords especially in the context of emerging global
climate change.
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