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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.54, 1-10
Chemical parameters of water
The wetland is polluted by wastewater (domestic
sewage, urban ran-off and industrial) of Izeh city, but
the south part of the marsh is more polluted because
the wastewater discharge into the south part of
wetland. For this cause, for water sampling and bird
counting, the marsh divided to tow part: north part
(31 o 53 ' 41 " N 49
51 ' 42 " E) and south part (32
52 '
19 " N 49
51 ' 58 " E). Samples of water were collected
in July, August and September from each part of
marsh immediately before counting of waterbirds.
Three replicates of selected physicochemical water
quality parameters were recorded directly at the
sampling site and included pH, measured by a
pH-meter Waterproof Model Testr30, water temperature
was measured by a hand-held thermometer, and
dissolved oxygen (DO), which was measured by a
HACH® Model Sens ION 6 DO meter. Water samples
from each collecting part were stored in polyethylene
bottles (500 mL) and transferred in ice analyzed in the
laboratory. EC, Turbidity, COD, BOD, NO3 and SO4,
of sampled water have been measured according to the
Standard method 2005 (section 2000-2810) for
determination of mentioned parameter by a certified
laboratory, (Research Center of Processing Mineral
Materials of Iran, Ministry of Industrial and Mineral).
Bird count
Total count method was used for bird's census in
summer (in 10th July, August and September 2011), a
day in per month. This method is international method
and Wetland International (WI) recommits to counts
all waterbirds in all inland wetlands in the world.
Birds' counting was performed simultaneously with
water sampling. The waterbird abundance was
estimated by direct count method as described [2, 12].
For watching counting and identifying birds,
wide-range binoculars, spotting scope and telescopes
were used. The birds were identified by studying their
characteristic features in accordance with the
identification keys evolved by King et al. (1978),
Sonobe & Usui (1993) and Grimmett et al. (2001).
With the results which we took from birds counting,
number of all birds, Density(1) and then with using
Ecological Methodology and Past soft wares, the level
of indexes of bio-indicator such as Margalef, species
richness(2), Shanon-Winer species diversity (3),
Simpson Evenness (4) was specified monthly for
wetland. Similarity indexes between two parts of
wetland (north and south parts), was specified into
percentage by using Morista similarity (5) index. With
using T-test difference of number of birds average was
specified in two north part(low- polluted) and south
part (morepolluted) and also with using Pearson tests
depending coefficient between physicochemical
parameters and number of birds was specified [12].
D = Density, ni = number of species i, A= Area of
marsh, Rmg= Margalef's index, S= Number of species,
H'=Index of Species Diversity, Nj =∑Xij = total
number of individuals in sample j, Pi=proportion of
total sample belonging to ith species, Cλ= Morista's
index of similarity between sample j and k, Xij, Xik=
Number of individuals of species ith in sample j and
sample k, Nk =∑ Xik = total number of individuals in
sample k.
Statistical analyses
Species diversity, similarity, evenness and richness of
waterbird communities of two parts of wetland were
measured by Shannon-Wiener, Simpson’s, Morista’s ,
Menhink and Marghalef’s indexes [12]. The bird
density, diversity, richness and physicchemical
parameters are correlated by the help of SPSS
software. Correlation between physicochemical
parameters and birds communities were measured by
Pearson Test (SPSS Version 16).
2 Results
Number of waterbirds
Eighteen species of waterbirds, 15 species in south
part (more polluted part), and 17 species in north
(Low-polluted) part as a controlling belonging to
eleven families are found in summer 2011 (Table 1).
Among them 4 species nest within the Miangaran
marsh (on north part of marsh) (Behrouzi-Rad, 2014;
Scott, 1995).The total number of waterbirds in
summer (July, August. and September) in north part
(4707) was twofold more than south part (more
Polluted, 2110). Dominant species were
Larus sp
. in
more Polluted part in summer, the detailed analysis of
the result of the summering waterbirds survey has
been shown that the number of waterbirds in the
polluted part and north part can be estimated to a
range of 200-5500 birds over different months. This
number can fluctuate more than twice. Apparently,
natural fluctuation of waterbirds number depends on
weather conditions of a certain year, but in
micro-habitats of Miangaran wetland depends on local