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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.57, 1-4
methanolic extract of
C. ramous
experimentally analyzed and observed the broad
spectrum antimicrobial activities of body tissue extract
(Santhana Ramasamy and Murugan, 2005). The
different antibacterial activity found in gastropod
extract may depend on extracting capacity of the
solvents and the compound extracted (Periyasamy et
al., 2012).Commercial antibiotics are highly effective
to kill the bacterial and fungal pathogens involved in
common infection. This study revealed that the ethyl
acetate extract of the tissues inhibited the growth of
the tested pathogenic bacterial strains. Further
investigations intending to purify these active
compounds should be considered to clarify their
chemical nature.
Authors are thankful to Dr. T. Ramamurthy, Scientist F,
National Institute of Cholera & Enteric Diseases, Kolkata with
necessary facilities. The authors are also thankful to the Centre
for Marine Living Resources and Ecology, Cochin, Ministry of
Earth Sciences, New Delhi, India for providing the financial
support (Grant No. MoES/10-MLR/01/12).
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