International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.27, 245-252
Research Article Open Access
The Use of MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) Method to Analyze the Level of
Sustainability of Fisheries Resources Management in Thousand Islands, Indonesia
, Ita Junita Puspa Dewi
1. Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Sahid Jakarta, Indonesia
2. Jakarta College of Fisheries, Indonesia
Corresponding author email
International Journal of Marine Science, 2014, Vol.4, No.27 doi: 10.5376/ijms.2014.04.0027
Received: 27 Mar., 2014
Accepted: 28 Apr., 2014
Published: 13 May, 2014
2014 Kholil and Dewi, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Kholil and Dewi, 2014, The Use of MDS (Multidimensional Scaling) Method to Analyze the Level of Sustainability of Fisheries Resources Management in
Thousand Islands, Indonesia, International Journal of Marine Science, Vol.4, No.27 245
252 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2014.04.0027)
This paper will discuss the sustainability of fisheries resources in the Thousand Islands by five main indicators, which are
(1) ecology, (2) economic, (3) socio-cultural, (4) legal & institutional and (5) technology & infrastructure, by using the MDS
(multidimensional scaling) analysis. By ordinal scoring on each attribute 0 (the lowest) and 3 (the highest) of each indicator, and with
the support of Rapfish, it can be seen the similarity or dissimilarity of each indicator that are grouped in a space based on eucluidus
distance. By using the scale of the sustainability index, it can be known the level of sustainability of each indicator. Besides, it can
also be known the attribute’s level that should get the attention based on the percentage’s sequence of ordination root mean square
(RMS) change on the X axis. And the evaluation of the error’s effect is using Monte Carlo. The results shows there are 2 indicators in
the sufficient category of sustainable which are economic and social culture indicators with each sustainability index value stated
55.44% and 56.54%, while for ecology, legal and institutional as well as technology and infrastructure, the indicators are in the less
sustainability category, amounting each sustainability index value of 48.63%, 43.73% and 34.17%.
Thousand Islands; Coastal pollution; Sustainability indicators; Sustainability index; MDS; RMS
Thousand Islands is the coastal and marine areas in
the north of Jakarta and it is part of the Special Region
of Jakarta consisting of 105 groups of small islands,
with a land area of 897.7 hectares and 6,997.50 km
water area. This area was built by coral reef
ecosystems which become major ecosystems.
Thousand islands have great potential for economic
development, especially for industry, fisheries, and as
marine tourism which becomes as an attractive
recreational area for domestic tourists, especially from
Jakarta. This mean that Thousand Islands has a very
essential function, namely economic and social
(Regulation No. 6 of 1999). According to the Minister
of Marine Fisheries Regulation No. 45 Year 2011,
Thousand Islands including WPP (Regional Fisheries
Management) is part of the Java Sea. The fish
resource potential in the Java Sea is estimated at 836
600 tonnes, 21.74% of them (about 181 876 tonnes)
are in the Thousand Islands.
As the area of fisheries for fishermen, there are several
types of fishing gear used by them, among others:
longlines, dogol tool and fishing pole
. The
fishing fleet at the present time comprises 1,289 with
the largely is motor boats (899 units) and the other
consisted of outboard motors, sailboats, and canoes /
boats (370 units). (Fisheries & Marine Department of
the Special Region of Jakarta, 2012). During the
period 2008 - 2011 the number of fishing gear,
especially gill nets chart and drift boat had an
increasing of 13.2% while the other gear has
decreased about 10%.
Over the past 10 years, the development has been
showing that this region is risk from various problems,
both concerning physical, biological social, economic
and cultural aspects (Ian and Dichmont, 2010). The
number of fishermen in the Thousand Islands region is
expected to reach 68.360 people, but later began to
decline due to environmental degradation, caused by
the pollution of sea water due to accumulation of
trashes, heavy metals and other pollutant sources,
which came from 13 river streams in Jakarta (Ministry