International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.16, 128-134
Figure 6 Comparison of Total Nitrogen (TN) concentrations in
three River systems during post monsoon
varied from 3.22 mg/L to 5.95 mg/L and in Baleswar
and Bhola River it varied between 2.87 mg/L and 5.60
mg/L (Figure 7).
2.2 Total phosphorus-TP
In Rupsha-Passur River system, the mean value of TP
was 0.379±0.031 mg/L in post monsoon and the mean
value of TP was 0.204±0.104 mg/L in winter season
(Figure 8). The minimum concentration of TP,
0.091±0.008 mg/L occurred at surface water of
Herbaria in winter and the maximum concentration,
0.409±0.042 mg/L was observed at surface water of
Karamjal River in post monsoon.
In Arpangashia-Malancha River system, the mean
value of TP was 0.113±0.029 mg/L in post monsoon
and the mean value of TP was 0.078±0.023 mg/L in
winter season (Figure 9). The highest TP concentration
0.144±0.018 mg/L was observed at Kolagachi canal
and lowest concentration 0.075±0.004 mg/L was
observed at surface water of Poshurtola during post
monsoon in Arpangashia River and Malancha River
In Baleswar-Bhola River system, the mean value of
Figure 7 Comparison of Total Nitrogen (TN) concentration in
three River systems during winter
Figure 8 Spatial and temporal variation of total Phosphorus
(TP) in Rupsha- Passur River system in the post monsoon
and winter
Figure 9 Spatial and temporal variation of total Phosphorus
(TP) in Arpangashia-Malancha River system in post monsoon
and winter
TP was 0.214±0.08 mg/L in post monsoon and the
mean value of TP was 0.092±0.038 mg/L in winter
season (Figure 10). The maximum concentration,
Figure 10 Spatial and temporal variation of total Phosphorus
(TP) in Baleswar-Bhola River system in the post monsoon
and winter