International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.16, 128-134
Figure 2 Standard curve for Phosphorus analysis
The maximum concentration of TN occurred,
5.04±0.33 mg/L at Karamjal canal surface water in
winter and the minimum concentration, 2.52±0.12 mg/L
was observed at surface water of Herbaria River in
post monsoon.
Figure 3 Spatial and temporal variation of total Nitrogen in
Rupsha-Passur River system in the winter and post monsoon
In Arpangashia-Malancha River system, the mean
value of TN was 2.78±0.38 mg/L in post monsoon and
the mean value of TN was 4.22±1.05 mg/L in winter
season (Figure 4). The maximum concentration of TN,
5.95±0.28 mg/L was observed at surface water of
Poshurtola River in winter and the minimum
concentration, 2.52±0.23 mg/L was observed at surface
water of Arpangashia in post monsoon. In
Baleswar-Bhola River system, the mean value of TN
was 3.02±0.428 mg/L in post monsoon and the mean
value of TN was 3.87±1.20 mg/L in winter season
(Figure 5). The maximum concentration of TN was
found, 5.60±0.32 mg/L at surface water of Sarankhola in
winter and the minimum concentration, 2.59±0.20
mg/L was observed at surface water of Supoti River in
post monsoon.
In Baleswar-Bhola River system, the mean value of
TN was 3.02±0.428 mg/L in post monsoon and the
Figure 4 Spatial and temporal variation of total Nitrogen (TN)
in Arpangashia-Malancha River system in winter and post
Figure 5 Spatial and temporal variation of total Nitrogen (TN)
in Baleswa-Bhola River system in the winter and post
mean value of TN was 3.87±1.20 mg/L in winter
season (Figure 5). The maximum concentration of TN
was found, 5.60±0.32 mg/L at surface water of
Sarankhola in winter and the minimum concentration,
2.59±0.20 mg/L was observed at surface water of
Supoti River in post monsoon.
During post monsoon season, TN concentration
varied between 2.52 mg/L and 3.50 mg/L in
Rupsha-Passur River. In Arpangashia and Malancha
River system it was varied from 2.31 mg/L to 3.61
mg/L and in Baleswar and Bhola River it was varied
between 2.80 mg/L and 3.57 mg/L respectively
(Figure 6).
During winter season, TN concentration varied
between 0.091 mg/L and 0.371 mg/L in Rupsha-Passur
River system. In Arpangashia and Malancha River it