International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.32, 308-315
aberration in
and the 2
E. stoliczkae
from these areas. The purpose of this study is to describe the
occurrence ambicoloration in 2 fish species collected from the Arabian Gulf waters of Saudi Arabia.
1 Material and Methods
Two specimens of the family Haemulidae, 1 specimen of
Plectorhinchus playfairi
(TL 346), 1 specimen of
(TL 357 mm), and 3 specimens of
Epinephelus stoliczkae
(TL 424-429 mm) were shown
aberrant coloration. Species of the family Haemulidae were captured in the period of 26
February 2013 to 21
September 2016 in the waters of Jubail City Saudi Arabia. The specimens were collected by local fishermen using
drifting gill net. Specimens of
E. stoliczkae
were obtained from the frozen fish market in Jubail City, Saudi Arabia.
The origin of these specimens was traced back to several localities in the neighboring Sultanate of Oman. Normal
specimens with normal coloration were obtained from the same fishing lot at the same fishing locality to make a
comparison. Body and fins were examined carefully for external parasites, malformations, amputations and any
other morphological anomalies. The specimens were deposited in the fish collection of the Fish Welfare Branch,
Jubail, Saudi Arabia. Once in the laboratory, measurements were recorded to the nearest millimetre.
2 Results
Ambicoloration cases were observed in the two species of the two families studied. The description of the aberrant
coloration distribution in each species studied is given below based on the case of color abnormality.
Family: Epinephelidae
Epinephelus stoliczkae
Colour of normal specimen (Figure 1):
Body and head greyish yellow, with dark orange-red spots distributed in the anterior half of the body and on its
ventral side. Presence of 3 dark bars, 2 below the soft part of the dorsal fin and 1 at the base of the caudal fin.
Pectoral fin dark sometimes with dark blotch at its base. The remaining fins are with dark yellowish grey color.
Figure 1
Epinephelus stoliczkae
, 468 mm TL showing normal body coloration
Note: Courtesy of Marine science and Fisheries Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Oman
Figure 2
Epinephelus stoliczkae
, 424 mm TL showing aberrated body coloration