International Journal of Marine Science, 2017, Vol.7, No.32, 308-315
This patch extend ventral to cover the pectoral fin. The other pale patch extended from the posterior tip of the
pectoral fin to the posterior tip of the anal fin.
Family: Haemulidae
Colour of normal specimen (Figure 5):
Body grey in color, with a bronze shading. Dark brown operculum membrane. All fins are dark.
Figure 5
Plectorhinchus sordidus
, 364 mm TL, showing normal body coloration
Note: Courtesy of Marine science and Fisheries Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Oman
Figure 6
Plectorhinchus sordidus
, 357 mm TL, left side
Figure 7
Plectorhinchus sordidus
, 357 mm TL, right side
Figure 8
Plectorhinchus sordidus
, 357 mm TL, ventral side
Colour of abnormal specimens
Specimen no 1 (TL: 357 mm) (Figure 6; Figure 7; Figure 8):
The main part of the left side of the fish body is covered with large pale patch and the normal coloration was
aberrated and only five main patches were left. They were distributed from the anterior to the posterior as follows:
one elongated patches traversing diagonally dorsal anteriorly from the nape to the just behind the corner of the