International Journal of Horticulture 2015, Vol.5, No.4, 1
digestibility (AD%), efficiency of conversion of
ingested food (ECI%), efficiency of conversion of
digested food (ECD%), host utilization efficiency
(HUE%), hatchability (%), effective rate of rearing
(ERR%), adult emergence (AE%), accumulated
survivability (AS%), feeding index (FI) and growth
index (GI), were estimated as in my recently
published paper (Roy, 2014) on
Diacrisia casignetum
3.6 Life table parameters
The construction of life table includes several
parameters which were calculated with the formulae
of Carey (1993), Krebs (1994) and Price (1998).
These parameters include probability of survival from
birth to age x (lx), proportion dying each age (dx),
mortality (qx), survival rate (sx) per day per age class
from egg to adult stages. Using these parameters, the
following statistics like, average population alive in
each stage (Lx), life expectancy (ex), exponential
mortality or killing power (kx), total generation
mortality (K), generation survival (GS), gross
reproductive rate (GRR), net reproductive rate (R
mean generation time (T
), doubling time (DT),
intrinsic rate of population increase (
) and finite rate
of population increase (λ) were also computed, using
Carey’s formulae (Carey, 1993).
3.7 Data analysis
All the data on food utilization indices and life table
parameters of
P. quatuordecimpunctata
on the two host
leaves along with their phytochemical regime were
analyzed using one way ANOVA (Zar, 1999). All the
statistical analysis was performed using the statistical
program SPSS v. 13.0 (SPSS, 2004).
Author’s contributions
NR designed the whole study including sample collection,
chemical analysis, index calculation, data analysis and draft the
manuscript with the help of institutional support.
The financial assistance provided by the University Grants
Commission [F. No. PSW-025/13-14], New Delhi, Government
of India is gratefully acknowledged.
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