IJH-2017v7n8 - page 11

International Journal of Horticulture, 2017, Vol.7, No. 8, 54-63
obtained in 7 ply 180 psi CFB boxes while lower (1.5) in 3 ply Beer cartons. If the traders replace the
conventional system of packaging fruits in 3 ply Beer carton by improved one, they can gain additional benefit of
NRs 70625 (US $ 666) per truckload (Table 3).
Table 3 Economic analysis of Red delicious apple packaging and transportation from HRS,
to Bheri cold store,
in existing value chain (EVC) and improved value chain (IVC)
scenarios during 2013-2014
Unit price (NRs)
Total price (NRs)
EVC: Packaging of apple fruits in 3 ply Beer CFB box
A. Gross return (1 truckload)
1. Selling price of 5000 kg apple fruits at cold store
625 000
2. Postharvest loss, 20.0% of 5000 kg = 1000 kg
125 000
3. Gross return (A1-A2)
500 000
B. Cost
1. Cost of 3 Ply Beer carton (500 cartons)
10 000
2. Cost of fruits at collection centre (NRs 50/kg)
250 000
3. Labor cost for packaging and handling (NRs 30/box)
15 000
4. Warehouse cost (NRs 40/box)
20 000
5. Labor cost for unloading and handling (NRs 10/box)
5 000
6. Total cost (Sum of B1-B5)
300 000
C. Net Return (A3-B6)
200 000
D. Benefit Cost Ratio (A3/B6)
IVC: Packaging of apple fruits in 7 ply 180 psi CFB box
A. Gross return (1 truckload)
1. Selling price of 5000 kg apple fruits at cold store
625 000
2. Postharvest loss, 5.5% of 5000 kg = 275 kg
34 375
3. Gross return (A1-A2)
590 625
B. Cost
1. Cost of 7 Ply 180 PSI CFB box (500 boxes)
30 000
2. Cost of fruits at collection centre (NRs 50/kg)
250 000
3. Labor cost of for packaging and handling (NRs 30/box)
15 000
4. Warehouse cost (NRs 40/box)
20 000
5. Labor cost for unloading and handling (NRs 10/box)
5 000
6. Total cost (Sum of B1-B5)
320 000
C. Net Return (A3-B6)
270 625
D. Benefit Cost Ratio (A3/B6)
E. Potential Added Benefit per truckload (C of IVC – C of EVC)
70 625
F. Potential Added Benefit per kg fruit (E/5000)
F. Potential Added Benefit per truckload (US$)*
Note: *1 US $=NRs.106
4 Conclusions
Based on the above evidence, we can conclude that CFB box recommended by Fruit Development Directorate (7
ply CFB boxes of 20 kg capacity) was not acceptable container because of more postharvest loss, inconvenience
in handling and unaffordable price for the consumers. CFB box of 10 kg capacity with 7 ply 180 psi bursting
strength was identified as the most desirable, efficacious and appropriate container easily accepted by the farmers
groups, cooperatives, traders and consumers in Nepalese context for packaging and transportation of apple fruits
from production sites to distant markets and warehouses by truck because of convenience in handling and stacking;
minimum scratching, brushing and spoilage damages; high storability; better retention of appearance, crispiness,
taste, aroma and fruit firmness; high BC ratio and affordable price for the consumers. Thus, 7 ply 180 psi CFB
boxes have high shock bearing capacity during long distance transportation in rough road. Economic analysis
shows that if the traders replace the conventional system of packaging fruits by improved one, they can gain
additional benefit of NRs. 70625 (US $ 666) per truckload (Table 3).
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