IJCCR-2017v7n16 - page 7

International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2017, Vol.7, No.16, 67-72
an omphalocele associated with micromelia. A fetal karyotype was performed and concluded to a trisomy 18.
Therapeutic interruption of pregnancy was practiced at 24 weeks of amenorrhea with an expulsion of a stillborn
800 grams female. The fetopathological examination concluded that there was a poly malformative syndrome
with extreme shortness of the long bones, a giant omphalocele containing slender loops, stomach and left liver
(Figure 3) and a diaphragmatic hernia, hypoplasia of the left heart with mitral atresia suggestive of a Cantrell
Figure 1
A well-defined round echogenic formation of 13 mm in diameter attached to the anterior abdominal wall
Figure 2
Ultrasound appearances of the omphalocele containing gastric clarity and on the surface the umbilical cord is inserted
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