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Genomics and Applied Biology, 2010, Vol.1 No.2
- 16 -
igure 5 Multiple sequence alignments of ENR homologs
Note: The sequences are denoted by their strain names; The two conserved residues of
A. hypogaea
ENR corresponding to
E. coli
FabI Tyr156 and Lys163 were highlighted in asterisks; The central region of the proteins containing a consensus flavin-binding site
was underlined; GenBank accession numbers (locus tags) for FabI, FabL and FabV were respectively as follows:
Arachis hypogaea
Glycine max
Arabidopsis thaliana
PCC6803 (NP_440356),
Volvox carteri
Escherichia coli
Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus subtilis
(NP_388745), and
Vibrio cholerae
(ABX38717); GenBank accession numbers for FabK were respectively as follows:
Streptococcus pneumoniae
Clostridium difficile
(YP_003217517), and
Streptococcus suis