TGG-2016v7n3 - page 11

Triticeae Genomics and Genetics 2016, Vol.7, No.3, 1
Five plant species Maize (
Zea mays
), Wheat (
Triticum aestivum
), Broad bean (
Vicia faba
), Cotton (
) and Parsley plants (
Petroselinum crispum
) were grown in plastic pots in the soil without NaCl
(control) and under salinization levels corresponding to osmotic potential of NaCl solution, -0.3 MPa, -0.6 MPa,
-0.9 MPa and -1.2 MPa at the first group. Saline solutions were added to the soil in such a way that the soil
solution acquired the assigned salinization levels at field capacity. Plants were irrigated every other day with 1/10
Pfeffer’s nutrient solution for two weeks. The previous experiment was repeated for GA
and kinetin (100 ppm)
treatments as the second and third groups. Solutions were sprayed three times (5 intervals) by spraying the shoots
system of the growing plants (each pot with 10 Cm
of GA
or kinetin solutions). The control plants were sprayed
with distilled water. Aweek after the later spraying, the plants was used for analysis after 45-days. Dry matter was
determined after drying plants in an aerated oven at 70ºC to constant mass. Proline content was determined
according to Bates (1973). Sodium was determined by Flame-photometer according to method of Williams and
Twin (1960).
The experimental data were subjected to the one way analysis of variances (ANOVA test) using the SPSS version
11.0 to quantify and evaluate the source of variation and the means were separated by the least significant
differences, L.S.D. at P level of 0.05% (Steel and Torrie, 1960). The percentage presented in the following tables
was calculated by the data of survival plants with salinization treatments and with hormonal applications either
or kinetin 200 ppm. This by measuring dry matter, sodium and proline content at control plants and
hormonal treatments of shoots and roots of maize, wheat, cotton, broad bean and parsley plants. The data was
compared by plants grow at control (untreated) and the other with GA
or kinetin applications.
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