IJMS-2015v5n22 - page 8

International Journal of Marine Science 2015, Vol.5, No.22, 1-6
Although there was not significant difference of Cu
concentration between in the water and in the
sediment (Tables 1), but there was a significant
difference of Cu concentration in the sediment
among research stations, that was between
mangrove area of estuary and mid part of estuary
and between industrial area of estuary and mid part
of estuary (Tables 2).
Tables 2 Environment quality standard for 5 type of heavy metals
Heavy metal
Maximum conc. of environment quality standard
Reference of EQS
Conc. in the water (ppm)
Conc. in the sediment (ppm)
Fabries and Warner (1994)
Fabries and Warner (1994)
Sulawesi Selatan Governer Act No. 14 2003
Sulawesi Selatan Governer Act No. 14 2003
Ministry of Enviroment Act No. 51 2004
Note: EQS : Environment Quality Standard
Third highest heavy metal Concentration from 5 types
of heavy metals that were measured was Cromium
(Cr). There was a significant difference of Cr
concentration between in the water and in the
sediment (Tables 1), however T test result showed that
there was no significant difference of Cr concentration
among research stations either in the water or in the
sediment (Tables 2).
Five type of heavy metal were measured from Tallo
Estuary, almost all type of heavy metals
concentration in the water has been exceeded the
maximum permissible concentration of environment
quality standard, except for Hg. Those concentration
can endanger biota life that existed in the estuary
specially microalgae. Whereas concentration of
heavy metal in sediment that has exceeded
environment quality standard was Cd (Tables 2).
Anggraini (2007) found that waters that were
influenced by tide the heavy metal concentration in
the sediment and in the water will be mobilized.
High concentration of heavy metal concentration Pb,
Cu and Cr in Tallo Estuary was caused by some
industries that produced waste that contain those types
of heavy metal. Shipbuilding Industry (PT. Pelindo)
that was in the Tallo Estuary contributed waste that
contains the three type of heavy metal. Kumar and
Goyal (2008) found that source of heavy metal Pb, Cu,
Cr and other heavy metal in territorial water come
from mining, industrial area and household waste.
2.3 Abundance and Dominant of Microalgae
Middle side of estuary had the highest microalgae
abundance compared to two other research stations
(mangrove area and industrial area of estuary) with the
average of abundance account for 254 cell/ml, but its
station is lowest the number of genera, which was 8
genera/mL (Figure 3). T test result indicated that there
is no significant difference of microalgae abundance
between stations (Tables 3). However, there is a significant
difference of microalgae cell abundance found between
industrial area of estuary and mid area of estuary at P<0.1.
Figure 3 The average of microalgae cell abundance and the number of microalgae species (±SE, N=9) in every research station. a)
Microalgae cell abundance in research station, b) The number of microalgae species in research station
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 9,10,11,12
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