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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.7: 74-81
understanding of the business to capitalize on the
potential attraction of the history of coastal tourism.
The impression is not managed by a professional
looks at all. The artifact is located in the village of
Kampung Ayam.
2.2 Social
According to Bappeda (2012), the population of in as
many as 1,080,012 people have a primary job in
tourism, agriculture and fishing as much as 62.62%,
trade sector, hotels, and restaurants 13.82%. The
private education sector plays as an important role to
educate and develop human resources (HR) in the
coastal tourism area of Anyer beach.
2.3 Economy
The one-year Anyer coastal tourism sector contributes
to the economy amounted to 32.69% of total revenue
(Punjasari, 2003). While the contribution of the
coastal tourism sector to the working age population
as much as 27.65% (Bappeda, 2012).
2.4 Environmental performance
The Anyer coastal tourism declined in environmental
quality. The indicators are: (1) the conversion of
mangrove forests into farms has reached 50 acres and
(2) the existence of forest clearing activities in the
coastal area of Anyer and Carita. Both of these lower
productivities and water absorption of oxygen (WRI,
On the other hand, the high activity logging caused
land use changes that impact on the environment, with
indicators of increased sedimentation and nutrient
influx into the catchment area. Sediment in the water
column affect a coral growth, corals can even cause
death. The sedimentation and pollution damaged of a
coral reefs and seaweed in Anyer coastal (WRI, 2013;
DKP Banten, 2004).
Moreover, 53% of coral reefs in the coastal area of
Anyer beach damaged by construction of the hotels,
resorts, and villas, that violates the layout, breaking
the rules of national or provincial coastal border,
throwing anchor ships, oil mining, and marine
pollution. Thus, the destruction of coral reefs, causing
higher water levels of carbon dioxide, which would
cause the death of marine biota which impact on
human survival (WRI, 2013).
2.5 Existing environmental impacts of the coastal
spatial planning Anyer, Banten
Based on the spatial structure plan western province
of Banten, there are environmental problems in Anyer
coast. The indicators are: (1) the existence of three
coastal erosion in the coastal areas due to the
destruction of a mangrove and sand mining activities
are not environmentally sound, and (2) the occurrence
of saltwater intrusion in Anyer due to the destruction
of a mangrove forests, coastal erosion, and
groundwater extraction uncontrolled (BPES, 2013).
However, based on spatial plans of West Banten
Province, the famous of Anyer coastal tourism
attraction also have other environmental negative
impacts, in the form of obstruction of the attraction of
the coastal tourism by the development of privately
owned buildings, so that people are not free to enjoy
the beach, because of the loss of access to public good
due to the construction of resort hotels, and restaurants
that violate the provisions of the national coastline
border zone /province (BPES, 2013).
Based on ecotourism concept and content analysis
tabulation (Table 1) indicated: developed new natural
coastal tourism view by zoning and landscaping, to
improve access pathways across landform vegetation
and tree planting along frontage as well as its develop
aesthetics of the new scenery by tailoring them with
environmental coastline border regulation and
contributes to environment conservation (score 14.83);
natural coastal tourism with local community
empowerment (score 16.75); interpretation of natural
and cultural (score 18.66); utilization of natural
coastal tourism (score 17.22); enjoy the beauty of the
landscape, fishing, and eco-lodged (score 17.70); and
improved carrying capacity (Tejada et al., 2009) on
open region Anyer natural coastal tourism (score
14.83). Coefficient Kappa K=0.71 (there are enough
From the tabulation of the Anyer coastal ecotourism
concept (K=0.71) indicated that an interpretation of
the natural coastal landscape becomes the most
important thing for the eco-tourists and followed by
enjoying the scenic beauty of the coastal landscape,
fishing activity and Eco lodge. The interpretation is
about how to utilize natural coastal ecotourism by
minimizing coastal ecotourism activities and appreciate
undersea life as coral reefs, seaweed, and fish.