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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.5: 61-66
2007). Furthermore, disappearance of the species can
cause habitat destruction which is the lead of mollusk
The second problem related to biological constraint is
the shortage of land for mollusk cultivation because of
the degradation of natural habitat for the mollusks
(Khalil et al., 2010). Another serious problem is
mollusks have become extinct (Yulinda, personal
communication, Februari 12, 2013). Moreover, the
support of the government in facilities and technology
for the cultivation of mollusks are still
underdeveloped, while the actors in mollusk resources
are almost traditional fisherman with low education.
Therefore, although mollusk aquaculture production
continues to increase, the obtained quality is still very
low (Hendiriyanto, 2009)
Social and human resources certainly should not be
excluded from these lists because these resources are
an important dimension in achieving the success of
development mollusk fishery in Indonesia (Ma’ruf,
personal communication, February 13, 2013). Human
are the actors that are directly involved in the
economic system. The lack of trained personnel is the
major problem to develop and increase commercial
products from mollusk fishery. Moreover, most of the
marketing system mollusk products are not through
auctions, but mollusks harvested sell directly to
traders (which are also called
in Indonesia).
sell them to the wholesalers in fishery
markets with a deal compensation of total sales
(Wahyuni, 2010). Besides, the process production of
mollusks still relies on natural catches. As a result, the
data regarding mollusk products are difficult to record.
Eventhough many of the problems and constraints
have occurred, the prospect of mollusk fishery
becoming commercial importance still has a great
chance to be developed in Indonesia. There are some
conditions that can be opportunities to manage
mollusk fishery into tangible economic assets:
The market opportunity of mollusk products is still
wide open. There is high demand, of this product
and there is a reason change of consumption pattern
from meat to fish in people diet. Obviously
Indonesia should be able to be the supplier of
mollusks in Southeast Asia because of the wide
marine potential that Indonesia has (today the main
suppliers are Malaysia and Philippines) (Setyono,
2007; Yulinda, 2009).
Some of mollusks that live in the sea and on land are
endemic and not found in other areas. In addition,
there is the availability of seaweed in various regions
of Indonesia that can be food for mollusks (Ma’ruf,
personal communication, February 13, 2013). Thus,
there is still potential to cultivate mollusks.
The market demand of mollusk products is very large
both domestically and internationally (Japan, Korea,
Taiwan, Europe, and America), whereas the
investment in mollusk industry is still low (Setyono,
2007; Yulinda, 2009). Therefore, there is potential to
expand the market of this product both in domestic
and international markets.
Indeed government and other stakeholders such as
scientists, harvesters, wholesalers and producers,
should give more attention to manage mollusks
fishery properly. It is important to conduct
comprehensive and sustainable research about
mollusks production; consumption; export and import;
the percentage of the population that depends on
mollusks for their livelihood, mollusk population,
current and future aquaculture capacity. Also, It is
needed an in-depth study to assess biodiversity,
species by location, the dynamics of populations and
communities, including aspects on reproductive cycles
with which to determine seasonal minimum sizes and
catch volumes (Garza et al., 2012). Thus, it could
prevent excessive investment into the mollusk fishery
that can address overexploitation and the extinction of
mollusk resources in the long term.
5 Conclusions
This paper has highlighted the current condition of
Indonesian mollusk fishery and its prospect for
economy. The results found that mollusks can be an
important component of future national income. Since
most of the indigenous mollusks are endemic,
classification/ mapping of the areas for mollusk
cultivation and harvesting is needed, for example by
establish an exclusive farming location. These future
locations can be a good habitat for mollusks, and from
these locations farmers can select good mollusks
periodically because they will be able to control
post-harvest handling and transportation as well as the
surveillance from upstream and downstream