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International Journal of Marine Science 2014, Vol.4, No.27, 245-252
at the same time the limitation of technology,
especially the technology of preservation and
processing of fishing making the income of fishermen
becomes stagnant. In addition to the high increasing of
sea pollution will give the negative impact to the fish
productivity and causing the decrease of fishing result.
To ensure the sustainability of the fisheries resources
management in the Thousand Islands, it is necessary
to conduct the development strategy on ecosystem
basis by involving all stakeholders (communities and
local institutions, businessmen, and governments) and
besides that develop the management regional zone
into 2 (two); namely (1) management regional zone,
(2) conservation regional zone. The management
regional zone will be the centre of fishing or other
economical activity, particularly in the south area
around Tidung Island, Pari Island, Untung Jawa
Islands and Pramuka Island. While the conservation
regional zone, particularly in the north area around the
44 islands uninhabited like in Rambut and Onrust
islands, it can be made as marine national park as well
as marine tourism area.
Through this zoning system, the development of
inter-islands transportation in the management area,
and the development of technology of fish process can
be more easier done, in addition to increase the
involvement of public groups in fisheries management
and it is also necessary to build the area for waste
management process by integrated system in this
region by involving the society and industries.
4 Conclusion and Suggestions
Based on 5 sustainability dimension that has been
analyzed which are ecology, economy, social culture,
legal and institutional, technology and infrastructure,
the fisheries resources management in the Thousand
Islands is in the category of less sustainable with the
average sustainability index of 47.78 <50, so it need
an intervention of government’s policy in the
management, through the zoning system development in
the management zone and conservation zone. To ensure
the sustainability, it is necessary to do the ecosystem’s
approach by involving all stakeholders of society,
businessmen and government) in the management of
fishery resources in the Thousand Islands.
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