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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.35, 278-284
atmosphere and climate which allows the potential for
developing communities (enabling), (2) strengthening
the potential or power held by the public (empowering),
and (3) protection (protecting) the weaker party in
order not to grow weak and prevent rivalry unequal
and exploitation of the strong over the weak
(Kartasasmita, 1996), and using the three approaches,
namely: first, the targeted approach, empowerment
means that people should be targeted pro-poor,
secondly, a team approach, meaning together to
facilitate solving those problems, and third, mentoring
approach, meaning that during the formation and
organization of the poor must be accompanied by a
companion professionals as facilitators, communicators,
and dynamic to the group to accelerate the
achievement of independence (Kartasasmita, 1996).
It requires a systemic requirement and processes in the
economic empowerment of the people especially those
belonging to the poor, such as traditional fishing
communities in the countryside. The requirements
were intended to: (1) the conditions for empowerment
(2) provide an opportunity for the public increasingly
powerless, (3) protection order can develop empowerment,
(4) improve the ability to be more empowered, and (5)
governmental function. While the process of
empowerment of the poor can be done gradually
through three phases: (1) the initial phase, in which
the government of the most dominant and passive
people, (2) participatory phase, wherein the process of
empowerment comes from the government and society,
and (3) phase emancipator, people are able to find the
strength that he can do reforms to actualize themselves
(Pranaka and Prijono, 1996), with the lead to three
principal objectives, namely: (1) rising incomes at the
lower level and a decrease in the number of people
who were under poverty line, (2) developing the
capacity of communities to improve the socio-economic
productive activities in rural communities, and (3)
development of community capacity and increasing
the capacity of community institutions, both officers
and citizens (Sumodiningrat, 2000), and carried out
through three directions, namely: ( 1) the creation of
atmosphere and climate which allows the potential for
developing communities (enabling), (2) strengthening
the potential or power held by the public (empowering),
and (3) protection (protecting) the weaker party in
order not to grow weak and prevent rivalry unequal
and exploitation of the strong over the weak
(Kartasasmita, 1996), and using the three approaches,
namely: first, the targeted approach, empowerment
means that people should be targeted pro-poor,
secondly, a team approach, meaning together to
facilitate solving those problems, and third, mentoring
approach, meaning that during the formation and
organization of the poor must be accompanied by a
companion professionals as facilitators, communicators,
and dynamic to the group to accelerate the
achievement of independence (Kartasasmita, 1996).
Nuryono (2006) states that most of the fishermen had
been feeling a drastic decline in catches. This was due
to the late decision of the poor fishermen by large
investors and illegal fishing by other countries that use
the fishing boats and more modern equipment that
crisscross the coastal region. While the poor fishermen
often do not have the understanding and skills in
fishing, which tends to destroy habitat, consequently
reducing fish populations. Fishermen were also
limited in terms of poor infrastructure, lack of
technological support to obtain sufficient results.
Government's efforts in expanding the opportunities of
the poor in coastal areas, in the fulfillment of their
basic needs was a program to improve the welfare of
coastal communities, especially fishermen and small
fish, to the strengthening of institutions and
organization of fishing communities. The increase in
the maintenance of the carrying capacity of coastal
and marine environmental quality. Increased marine
resource security from theft and vandalism.
Policy in an effort to increase productivity, production,
competitiveness and value-added fishery products
should be directed to increasing the utilization of
fisheries resources in supporting the economy and
keep the continuity. Besides, construction of marine
and fisheries were expected to increase the contribution
of national economic development between the
formation of investment, increase foreign exchange,
increased employment and new employment opportunities
and strengthen national food security. So the general
development of marine fisheries was the utilization of
marine resources and fisheries should be oriented to
the national interest, such as improving public welfare,
foreign exchange, to meet the needs of the community;
every coastal community development activities and
sea must meet the criteria of sustainable development
(sustainable development) that was economically