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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.35, 278-284
Research Article Open Access
Fishermen Community Economic Empowerment through Joint Development
Business Group in Cirebon City
Liliek Soeprijadi
, Endang Yuli
, Edi Susilo
, Rudianto
1. Doctoral Degree, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Brawijaya University, Indonesia
2. Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science Brawijaya University Indonesia, Indonesia
Corresponding author email:
International Journal of Marine Science, 2013, Vol.3, No.35 doi: 10.5376/ijms.2013.03.0035
Received: 26 May, 2013
Accepted: 23 Jun., 2013
Published: 02 Jul., 2013
2013 Soeprijadi et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Soeprijadi et al, 2013, Fishermen Community Economic Empowerment through Joint Development Business Group in Cirebon City, International Journal of
Marine Science, Vol.3, No.35 278
284 (doi: 10.5376/ijms.2013.03.0035)
The purpose of this study was to analyze the income of coastal communities that the average low-income to a variety of
items of daily necessities at affordable prices; analyzing the welfare of fishermen livelihood as fishermen go out to sea to provide for
a relatively cheap price; analyze potential opportunities employment and improve the productive economic activities of coastal
communities in general; analyzing the potential of trained professionals as managers of micro-enterprises such as business skills bike
shop, tavern coast, solar packed dealer fishermen and marine tourism services business; analyze institutional joint venture group of
fishermen (KUB) to productive economic activities are legal entities. The method used was the identification stage approach,
approach and strategy construction activities, mentoring and recruitment stage approach HR, training stage approach and the
approach stage fund direct delivery. The results showed that the activities of the joint venture fishing (KUB) was the effort Cirebon
City bike shop, tavern coast, solar dealers packed fishing marine tourism and business services to help increase the economic income
of coastal communities in the city of Cirebon.
Marine tourism; Business group with fishermen; Shop coastal fishermen and dealers; Packed diesel service business
Government policies to raise fuel prices in July 2008
triggered rising prices of goods and push the rate of
inflation so that the purchasing power of coastal
communities, especially fishermen, the less, despite
rising real income levels. Traditional fishermen who
were poor also competing with the fishermen who
categorized semi-modern, modern and heavy weather
and erratic season which disturb their activity. For that
we need a coastal community economic empowerment
through the development of joint business group of
fishermen. According Kusnadi (2009) defined as
fishing community empowerment efforts that were
consciously planned, systematic, and continuous to
develop the independence of social, economic, political
and fishing communities to manage their resources
potential to achieve sustainable social welfare.
It requires a systemic requirement and processes in the
economic empowerment of the people especially those
belonging to the poor, such as traditional fishing
communities in the countryside. The requirements
were intended to: (1) the conditions for empowerment
(2) provide an opportunity for the public increasingly
powerless, (3) protection order can develop empowerment,
(4) improve the ability to be more empowered, and (5)
governmental function. While the process of
empowerment of the poor can be done gradually
through three phases: (1) the initial phase, in which
the government of the most dominant and passive
people, (2) participatory phase, wherein the process of
empowerment comes from the government and society,
and (3) phase emancipator, people are able to find the
strength that he can do reforms to actualize themselves
(Pranaka and Prijono, 1996), with the lead to three
principal objectives, namely: (1) rising incomes at the
lower level and a decrease in the number of people
who were under poverty line, (2) developing the
capacity of communities to improve the socio-economic
productive activities in rural communities, and (3)
development of community capacity and increasing
the capacity of community institutions, both officers
and citizens (Sumodiningrat, 2000), and carried out
through three directions, namely: ( 1) the creation of