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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.29, 225-237
Continued 1
Comparison Element Territorial land use planning
Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM)
According to Decree 879/98, regulating Law
388/97 (article 22, chapter 6), the development of
the territorial land use planning must consider the
following stages: Preliminary stage: This stage
covers a technical, institutional and financial
feasibility analysis and the participative
processes required for the preparation of the
plan; the identification of the necessary resources
and activities necessary for the preparation of the
plan. The definition of the strategic and priority
subjects of the space projection of activities in
the territory in function of the Municipality or
district vocation according to the social and
economic policies defined in the Development
In order to adopt the ICZM in Colombia, a
methodological outline named COLMIZC Methodology
(Alonso et al., 2003) has been proposed; this proposal
was adapted from the methodology of the “Common
Methodology” proposed for the coastal management
(Olsen et al., 1999). The ICZM considers the following
stages: Preparation: considers the definition of the
process orientation as far as the area to be worked with
and the reference terms under the study will be given.
It also includes the definition of the institutional arrangements,
the constitution of the technical team, the identification and
design of the investigation problem, the identification of the
actors and the demarcation of the coastal area.
In the case of the demarcation of the coastal area, it is
important to highlight that it is a participative process
that though at the beginning it takes as reference the
criteria established in the PNAOCI, these must be
adjusted with the local actors, and the particularities of
the area to work with.
: Should allow the consolidation of the
current image of the territory to confront it with
the desired image so it allows to adequately
formulating the general development purpose of
the municipality or district in spatial terms.
Includes the urban-regional vision, analysis of
the municipality or district and the territorial
development dimensions (urban or rural,
environmental, economical and social, as well as
cultural and institutional).
Characterization and diagnosis: In this phase the inventory and
description of the system characteristics, its components,
functions, resources, potentials, restrictions and in general the
current situation of the territory is made
In this way, the critical problems are identified and
priorized for clearly defined areas, on which the
management actions will be performed.
In this stage the environmental zoning is developed as the
space synthesis of the territorial dynamics. Part of the
ecological landscape characterization (Zonneveld, 1995), in
which homogeneous regions are considered from the physical
and biotic aspects, to reach an environmental zoning in which
the socio-economic, cultural and governability criteria, as well
as the risk areas identification, among others, are integrated
: consists in the spacing of phenomena
characterizing the territory, the demarcation of
particular features that constitutes in a management
element and allows the integration of different
development proposals of the social and institutional
actors intervening in the territory (MMA, 1998a, b).
: The design of the plan covers the basic
decision making process on the territory zoning,
which are translated in the general component
and its structural contents, and in the urban and
rural components. Likewise, it must include the
actions and acting that will be incorporated in the
execution program.
Design and adoption stage: Consists, as the initial step in
the preparation of the long term proposal for the ICZM,
through the generation of lines, programs and projects.
Once the plan is defined, the interinstitutional obligations
to carry out the implementation of the coastal area must
be established
: Covers the actions necessary to
make a reality the zoning Plan purposes in aspects
such as the financial, institutional capacity, technical
development and the summoning and agreement.
Implementation Stage: it consists in the implementation
of the formulated ICZM plan, for which purpose an
action plan, the investment programming as well as the
programs and projects execution must be made.
Evaluation and follow-up
: This stage is
permanently developed along the enforcement of
the zoning plan with the participation of all the
interested parties and especially of the Territorial
land use planning Consultative Body.
Evaluation Stage: being the ICZM a continuous process,
it must be regularly evaluated to verify its efficiency or
adopt the necessary corrective measures.
The territorial land use plans become the main
territorial planning instrument since they organize and
regulate the land uses. However due to Colombian
legislation, territorial land use plans do not include