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International Journal of Marine Science 2013, Vol.3, No.13, 105-110
Figure 3 Sampling location at Blanakan Ponds (left) and Marunda Ponds (right)
from the field location were wrapped with aluminium
foil and kept at –20
until further analysis. Sampling
locations were determined using Global Positioning
System (GPS).
4.2 Extraction and fractionation
Samples of sediment and fish were freeze dried to
eliminate water content. Approximately 10 g dry
weight of sediment was weighted in a glass beaker.
Sample was added into the soxhlet apparatus and
surrogated with Naphtalene-D8 for recovery
assessment. The samples were extracted using 250 mL
(50:50 v/v) mixture of dichloromethane (DCM) and
hexane. After 18 hours extraction, the extracted
samples were evaporated under vacuum until 1 mL
using rotary evaporator. About 1 mL of extracted
sample was fractioned into subfraction using
silica-alumina column with 10 g of silica gel, 10 g of
alumina, and about 1 cm height of sodium sulphate
anhydrous. Hexane (50 mL) was eluted, pass through
into the silica-alumina column to elute aliphatic
) fraction followed by the 40 ml mixture of
DCM and hexane (50:50 v/v) to elute the PAHs fraction.
Internal standards of Acenaphthene D8 and
Penanthrene D8 were added, the samples were injected
to GC-MS (Prartono and Wolff, 1998; Elias et al.,
4.3 Gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy (GC-
MS) analysis
The PAHs fractions were analysed using GC-MS
model Shimadzu QP5000 with selective ion monitoring