IJCCR-2017v7n18 - page 6

International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2017, Vol.7, No.18, 81-85
Research Report Open Access
Diabetic Mastopathy Diagnosis and Management
Ragmoun Houssem
, Ajili Abir
, Daadoucha Abdrahmen
1 Department of Obstetric Gynecology Ibn El Jazzar Hospital, University hospital assistant in gynecology obstetrics, Ibn El Jazzar street, Kairouan, 3100,
2 Department of Radiology Ibn El Jazzar Hospital, University hospital assistant in radiology, Ibn El Jazzar street, Kairouan, 3100, Tunisia
Corresponding author email
International Journal of Clinical Case Reports 2017, Vol.7, No.18 doi
Received: 27 Oct., 2017
Accepted: 28 Nov., 2017
Published: 15 Dec., 2017
Copyright © 2017
Ragmoun et al., This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits
unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Preferred citation for this article:
Ragmoun H., Ajili A., and Daadoucha A., 2017, Diabetic mastopathy diagnosis and management, International Journal of Clinical Case Reports, 7(18):
81-85 (doi
Diabetic mastopathy (DM) is a pathological entity of recent description, it is rare and benign; occurring in young patients
with type I diabetes, or having an autoimmune disease. Clinically, she simulates breast cancer. Radiological examinations are not
very informative. The diagnosis of certainty is histological. Through an observation of (DM) occurred in a diabetic patient, under
insulin for 14 years and carrying multiple degenerative complications, we recall the clinical aspects, radiological and evolutionary of
this affection.
Mastopathy; Type 1 diabetes; Breast cancer
The diabetes mellitus that has been developed for a long time is causes of various complications, affecting most
organs. For a long time it has been thought that the mammary gland is safe from these complications. It was not
until 1984 that Soler and Khardori (Soler and Khardori, 1984) described for the first time a case of breast lesions
associated with old diabetes. The term of diabetic mastopathy (DM), commonly used is introduced by
Tomaszewski et al. (1992).
These (DM) are rare, benign and occurring more particularly in patients with of an old type I diabetes. They take
on the appearance of a tumor lesion simulating breast cancer both clinically and radiologically.
We report a case from (DM) in the light of which we discuss the problems diagnosis and management of this
1 Observation
Miss A.D., age 33, single, with no background breast cancer patients, followed for 14 years for type I diabetes
under insulin therapy, his diabetes is unbalanced, at the origin of many episodes of metabolic decompensations
and source of multiple degenerative complications: diabetic retinopathies treated by laser since four years; kidney
failure on dialysis since 2013; hypertensia under adalate LP* since five years. Moreover it makes iterative
infiltrations for a left scapulohumeral periarthritis. She consults us in December 2015 for a left breast nodule of
recent appearance (three months). Examination found at the inspection: two symmetrical breasts, no
morphological abnormalities in particular not nipple retraction or orange peel appearance or cutaneous redness.
On palpation, there is poorly limited tumor formation of 3 to 4 cm in diameter, of stony consistency, painless,
mobile compared to plans shallow and deep and sitting at the union of the quadrants. There is no flow mammary
or axillary lymphadenopathy. Examination of the right breast is normal.
The Mammography finds dense type IV breasts of BIRADS without microcalcification and architectural
distortion (Figure 1).
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