
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 155-169 163 Figure 5 Selection analysis and structural annotation of Clade V MLO homologs in Cucurbitaceae (Adopted from Iovieno et al., 2015) Image caption: Panel A displays the codon-based dN−dS values across the alignment of Clade VMLOcoding sequences from three Cucurbitaceae species, indicating nucleotide conservation. Positive selection is marked with blue dots, negative selection with red dots, and codons under significant positive selection are highlighted with green circles, with the most significant codon shown by a star (Position 252). This panel also includes sequence logos and a color-coded representation of protein domains (Extracellular, transmembrane, and intracellular). Panel B provides a detailed view of the gene region around codon 252, spotlighting evolutionary dynamics at a micro-scale within these critical functional domains (Adapted from Iovieno et al., 2015)