
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 142-154 147 Another approach is the use of genetic association studies combined with functional assays. For instance, SNP markers associated with resistance traits were identified and tested in sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana), linking specific genetic variations to resistance phenotypes. These markers were then used in breeding programs to select for resistant individuals, validating their practical application in improving disease resistance (Wright et al., 2022). 5.3 Validation in model systems Validation of resistance genes in model systems involves introducing the genes into model organisms or alternative hosts to study their function in a controlled environment. This approach helps confirm the gene's role in conferring resistance and elucidates the underlying molecular mechanisms. For example, the NBS-LRR genes from limber pine were introduced into model plants to study their expression and resistance capabilities against WPBR. These experiments demonstrated that the genes conferred resistance to the pathogen, validating their function (Weiss et al., 2020). In another study, the PR10 gene family from western white pine was analyzed in transgenic Arabidopsis plants. The transgenic plants expressing the PmPR10-3.1 gene showed enhanced resistance to fungal pathogens, confirming the gene's role in plant defense (Liu et al., 2021). These model system studies are essential for understanding the broader applicability of resistance genes and for developing effective strategies for breeding disease-resistant pine varieties. 6 Genetic Engineering and Breeding Applications 6.1 Development of transgenic pines The development of transgenic pines involves the introduction of foreign genes into pine genomes to confer resistance to various diseases. This method offers a rapid way to enhance disease resistance compared to traditional breeding. One notable example is the introduction of the PmPR10-3.1 gene from western white pine (Pinus monticola), which has been cloned and expressed in model organisms and transgenic pines to test its efficacy against white pine blister rust (Liu et al., 2021). Transgenic approaches have also been used to insert genes encoding for proteins involved in the synthesis of secondary metabolites, such as terpenoids and phenolics, which play a role in pathogen defense. Recent advances in CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technology have further accelerated the development of disease-resistant pines by allowing precise modifications of specific genes involved in pathogen resistance (Yin and Qiu, 2019). Another significant application of genetic engineering is the development of pines resistant to pine wilt disease (PWD). Researchers have successfully introduced genes that enhance resistance to the pine wood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) in species like Pinus thunbergii and Pinus massoniana. These transgenic pines exhibit increased expression of genes involved in oxidative stress response and cell wall fortification, which are critical for combating nematode infection (Gao et al., 2022). 6.2 Marker-assisted selection Marker-assisted selection (MAS) is a powerful tool in the breeding of disease-resistant pines. MAS uses molecular markers linked to disease resistance genes to select and propagate resistant individuals more efficiently. For example, the Cr2 locus in western white pine, which confers resistance to white pine blister rust, has been successfully utilized in MAS programs. Genetic markers associated with Cr2 have been identified and used to screen for resistance in breeding populations, significantly reducing the time required to develop resistant trees (Liu et al., 2020). In maritime pine (Pinus pinaster), MAS has been employed to select for resistance to pine wood nematode. Studies have identified specific genetic markers linked to resistance traits, allowing breeders to screen and select individuals with enhanced resistance more accurately. This method has proven effective in improving the resistance of maritime pine to PWD and is being integrated into breeding programs across Europe (Carrasquinho et al., 2018).