
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 119-128 126 8.3 Chemical and biological controls Chemical and biological controls are also important components of an integrated management strategy for SCYLV. The use of insecticides to control aphid vectors, such as Melanaphis sacchari, can help reduce the spread of SCYLV. However, the effectiveness of chemical control is limited by the presence of multiple aphid vectors and the persistent nature of the virus (Khalil et al., 2018). Biological control methods, including the use of natural predators and parasitoids of aphid vectors, can provide an environmentally friendly alternative to chemical control (Bertasello et al., 2023). Additionally, the development of sugarcane cultivars that exhibit resistance to aphid feeding behavior can indirectly reduce the transmission of SCYLV (Bertasello et al., 2021). Combining chemical and biological control methods with resistant cultivars and cultural practices can provide a comprehensive approach to managing SCYLV in sugarcane production. By integrating breeding for resistant varieties, agronomic practices, and chemical and biological controls, it is possible to develop a robust management strategy to mitigate the impact of SCYLV on sugarcane yield and production. 9 Concluding Remarks This study has comprehensively examined the role of viruses, particularly Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV), in reducing sugarcane yield. Key findings highlight the significant impact of SCYLV on sugarcane physiology, leading to reduced photosynthetic efficiency, impaired nutrient uptake and transport, and stunted growth. SCYLV infection not only directly damages plant tissues but also predisposes sugarcane to secondary infections and environmental stresses, further exacerbating yield losses. The prevalence of SCYLV has been documented in various regions, including Florida, Réunion Island, and India, where it has caused substantial yield reductions and varietal degeneration. Effective management strategies, such as using virus-free seed cane, breeding for resistant varieties, and employing chemical and biological controls, have shown promising results in mitigating the impact of SCYLV on sugarcane production. The successful management of SCYLV and other plant viruses requires an integrated approach that combines multiple strategies. Breeding for resistant varieties provides a long-term solution by developing sugarcane cultivars with inherent resistance to SCYLV. Agronomic practices, such as planting virus-free seed cane and maintaining optimal field conditions, are crucial for reducing the initial infection rates and limiting the spread of the virus. Chemical controls, including the use of insecticides to manage aphid vectors, and biological controls, such as employing natural predators of aphids, offer additional layers of protection. The integration of these strategies, supported by continuous monitoring and field trials, ensures a comprehensive approach to managing SCYLV and sustaining sugarcane production. Future research should focus on advancing our understanding of the genetic mechanisms underlying SCYLV resistance in sugarcane. Genome-wide association studies and the identification of resistance loci are essential for the development of more effective breeding programs. Additionally, the application of RNA interference (RNAi) technology and the development of transgenic lines with multi-target resistance should be explored further. Research should also investigate the interactions between SCYLV and other pathogens, as well as the virus’s impact under different environmental conditions. Improved diagnostic tools and techniques for early detection of SCYLV in field conditions are needed to enhance disease management. Meanwhile, long-term field studies are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of integrated management strategies and their impact on sugarcane yield and quality over multiple growing seasons. Acknowledgments MicroSci Publisher appreciates the anonymous peer reviewers for their revision suggestions on the manuscript. Conflict of Interest Disclosure The author affirms that this research was conducted without any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.