
Molecular Pathogens 2024, Vol.15, No.3, 106-118 116 8.3 Environmental impact The environmental impact of developing durable resistance to wheat diseases through molecular breeding is largely positive. One of the most significant benefits is the reduction in the use of chemical pesticides and fungicides, which are commonly employed to manage wheat diseases. The overuse of these chemicals can lead to environmental degradation, including soil and water contamination, and can harm non-target organisms, including beneficial insects and soil microbes (Maré et al., 2020; Mapuranga et al., 2022; Luo et al., 2023). By developing wheat varieties that are inherently resistant to diseases, the reliance on chemical controls is diminished, promoting more sustainable agricultural practices (Nelson et al., 2017; Deng et al., 2020). Moreover, the use of molecular breeding techniques can contribute to the conservation of genetic diversity in wheat. By identifying and utilizing resistance genes from diverse sources, including wild relatives of wheat, breeders can enhance the genetic base of cultivated wheat, making it more resilient to future disease pressures and environmental changes (Mondal et al., 2016; Jabran et al., 2023). This genetic diversity is crucial for the long-term sustainability of wheat production, as it provides a reservoir of traits that can be tapped into to address emerging challenges. In addition, the development of disease-resistant wheat varieties can contribute to the mitigation of climate change impacts. Diseases often become more prevalent and severe under changing climatic conditions, which can exacerbate yield losses and threaten food security (Mondal et al., 2016; Babu et al., 2020). By ensuring that wheat cultivars are equipped with durable resistance to a range of diseases, molecular breeding helps to safeguard wheat production against the uncertainties of climate change, thereby supporting the resilience of agricultural systems (Johnson, 2004; Nelson et al., 2017). In conclusion, the integration of molecular breeding techniques in developing durable resistance to wheat diseases has significant implications for global wheat production. It enhances food security, provides economic benefits, and promotes environmental sustainability, making it a critical component of modern agricultural practices. The continued advancement and application of these techniques will be essential in meeting the challenges of feeding a growing global population in a changing world. 9 Concluding Remarks The integration of molecular breeding techniques has significantly advanced the development of wheat cultivars with durable resistance to various diseases. Key findings from the reviewed literature highlight the successful deployment of genetic breeding techniques such as transgenic breeding, molecular marker-assisted breeding, gene pyramiding, gene silencing, and gene editing in improving wheat resistance traits. The identification and utilization of over 200 resistance genes and their associated markers have been crucial in combating rust diseases and other pathogens. Additionally, the application of advanced molecular markers and techniques like CRISPR/Cas-9, QTL mapping, and GWAS have shown promise in enhancing disease resistance in wheat. Integrating molecular techniques into wheat breeding programs is essential for several reasons. These techniques allow for precise and efficient selection of resistance traits at the seedling stage, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional breeding methods. Molecular breeding enables the stacking of multiple resistance genes, which is critical for developing cultivars with broad-spectrum and durable resistance. Furthermore, the use of genomic selection and high-throughput genotyping platforms can accelerate the breeding process and improve the accuracy of selecting desirable traits. The integration of systems biology and traditional phenotype-based research methods also provides a comprehensive understanding of the interactions between wheat and pathogens, guiding the rational deployment of resistance genes. Future research should focus on the continuous identification and characterization of new resistance genes and their molecular mechanisms to stay ahead of evolving pathogen races. The creation of a comprehensive wheat resistance gene atlas, as proposed by some researchers, could serve as a valuable resource for breeders to rapidly respond to emerging threats. Additionally, there is a need to refine the classification of partial resistance genes